Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of MSEBatch

2010-09-20 10:43:01 (14 years ago)



  • MSEBatch

    v42 v43  
    125125 * Each line in the command file loads a separate forcing function then loops over all the Fleet Controls and Harvest Rules applying the parameters from the file. 
    126126 * Valid inputs 
    127    * Forcing function index for the currently load Ecosim model. See EwE Scientific interface "Time dynamics (Ecoism)>Forcing function" for the currently loaded forcing functions and indexes. 
     127   * Forcing function index for the currently load Ecosim model. See EwE Scientific Interface "Time dynamics (Ecoism)>Forcing function" for the currently loaded forcing functions and indexes. 
    128128   * Name of the forcing function. This is used to check the forcing function name in the file against the name in the EwE model. If they do not match then a warning will be posted but the run can still continue. 
    129    * Ecosim group index to apply the forcing function to. Ecosim needs to know which primary production group to apply the forcing function to. If the Group index does not match a primary producer group in Ecosim the MSE Batch will post an error and will not run. 
     129   * Ecosim group index to apply the forcing function to. Ecosim needs to know which primary production group to apply the forcing function to. If the Group index does not match a primary producer group in Ecosim then the MSE Batch will post an error and will not run. 
    131 ==== Control_Type_INDEX, Control_Type ==== 
     131==== Control_Type_INDEX & Control_Type ==== 
    134 Control_Type,2,0,0,,, 
    135 Control_Type,0,2,0,,, 
    136 Control_Type,0,0,2,,, 
    138  * Fleet controls 
     138 * ''To Do what is a fleet control'' 
     139 * Control_Type_INDEX fleet indexes from the EwE Scientific Interface that a Control_Type will be applied to. 
     140 * Control_Type type of control to apply to an EwE fleet. See EwE Scientific Interface "Tools>Management procedures (MSE)>Input>Regulatory>Control type". 
     141 * Valid inputs, 
     142   * 0 No controls will be imposed on the fleet, 
     143   * 1 Weakest Stock controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the greatest limitation, 
     144   * 2 Highest Value controls will be imposed on the fleet by the stock with the highest market value, discard mortality rate set in "Input data>Fishery>Discard mortality rate", 
     145   * 3 Selective fishery controls are imposed the same as Highest Value (2) except all the discards are assumed to survive. 
     147==== Constant_Y_INDEX & Constant_Y ==== 
     158 * The MSE will set the quota on the group base on the Constant_Y (Total allowable catch in MSE interface) value in kg/km2/month. 
     159 * Constant_Y_INDEX index of group that the yield will be applied to. This only needs to include groups that are to have there quota set. 
     160 * Constant_Y Yield of the group in kg/km2/month. See "Tools>Management procedures (MSE)>Inputs>Regulatory>Fixed F, Escapement,TAC"