Version 9 (modified by sunk, 15 years ago) (diff)


How to port Users Guide to Wiki

Download Sources

  1. Download the source from svn(instructions)
  2. EwE Users Guide HTML pages are located at Ecopath6\Documentation\Content\EWE_UsersGuide

Convert the HTML page to Wiki Syntax

  1. Use the html2wiki converter and convert each each HTML page to Wiki syntax
  2. Open the HTML page in Notepad and copy the HTML code
  3. Select wiki dialect as MoinMoin

Create the Wiki page

  1. Create a page using CamelCase in the EweUsersGuide with EwEug as prefix
  2. Name the page according to the HTML filename

Check formatting

  1. Open the HTML page in browser and check if the formatting is correct
  2. Images and Links are not properly formatted

Add Images

  1. Images are uploaded as attachments in EwEugImages
  2. Link the appropriate image to the wikipage repalcing image.png with the image filename
  1. Links are created using the following syntax in EweUsersGuide
    [wiki:EweUsersGuide users guide]
  2. Link the appropriate pages in users guide with a relevant text