Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of EwEugGeneralFeaturesOfGui

2010-01-31 17:00:36 (15 years ago)



  • EwEugGeneralFeaturesOfGui

    v3 v4  
    6060__General note about input forms__. All input forms (coded with a green arrow in the ''Navigator window'') have a ''Set'' box in the top right corner for entering values into multiple cells. For example, you may wish to enter the same value of a parameter for several groups at once. Highlight the cells for the groups you wish to have the same value and type it into the ''Set'' box. Note that you can only do this for one model variable at a time. 
    62 ==== 5. Tabs bar ==== 
     62'''5. Tabs bar''' 
    6364The ''Tabs bar'' provides an easy means of switching between model forms. Tabs are added as they are selected on the ''Navigator window'', enabling easy movement among forms currently in use. You can view forms simply by clicking on the tabs or by selecting them from the list under the down arrow on the right hand side of the toolbar. You can also select a form to display by checking it in the ''Windows menu''. 
    7980Three types of message are displayed in the ''Status panel''*: 
    81   Information messages [[[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000051.png)]] [[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000051.png)]]]. Information messages provide feedback on regular events in EwE. Information events are confirmations of successful actions. Examples are opening the model; successful edits; and successful balancing (i.e., [[Balancing a model.htm|parameterization]]) of the model.Warning messages [[[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000052.png)]] [[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000052.png)]]]. Warnings occur when EwE was not able to complete an action and requires the user to fix a problem, usually with the input data. For example, one of the most important of these is when parameterization fails (i..e., the model fails to balance). When this occurs, you will get the message “Your model is NOT balanced! Computed Ecotrophic Efficiencies (EE) invalid for one or more group(s).”  Clicking on the “+” icon next to this message expands the message to show which groups are causing the problem.Critical messages [../Resources/Images/03000053.png ../Resources/Images/03000053.png]. Critical messages are very rare and should not be encountered during normal use of the software. Users encountering critical messages should try closing and re-opening the program. If the problem persists, please contact us through the user support section of*Note the icons will match those on your system so may appear slightly different. 
     82 * Information messages [[[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000051.png)]]]: Information messages provide feedback on regular events in EwE. Information events are confirmations of successful actions. Examples are opening the model; successful edits; and successful balancing (i.e., [wiki:EwEugBalancingaModel parameterization]) of the model.  
     84 * Warning messages [[[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000052.png)]]]: Warnings occur when EwE was not able to complete an action and requires the user to fix a problem, usually with the input data. For example, one of the most important of these is when parameterization fails (i..e., the model fails to balance). When this occurs, you will get the message “Your model is NOT balanced! Computed Ecotrophic Efficiencies (EE) invalid for one or more group(s).”  Clicking on the “+” icon next to this message expands the message to show which groups are causing the problem. 
     86 * Critical messages [[[Image(wiki:EwEugImages:03000053.png)]]]. Critical messages are very rare and should not be encountered during normal use of the software. Users encountering critical messages should try closing and re-opening the program. If the problem persists, please contact us through the user support section of *Note the icons will match those on your system so may appear slightly different. 
    8388You can clear one or all messages in the status panel by right clicking on the message or panel.