Version 10 (modified by varunr, 15 years ago) (diff)

Added chapter 3 links.

Table of Contents

  1. Ecopath with Ecosim version 6
  2. Abstract
  3. 1 Introduction
    1. 1.1 About Ecopath with Ecosim
    1. 1.2 On modelling
  4. 2 Introductory material: Ecopath
    1. 2.1 Mortality for a prey is consumption for a predator
    1. 2.2 The energy balance of a box
    1. 2.3 On the need for input parameters
    1. 2.4 Defining the system
    1. 2.5 Dealing with open system problems
    1. 2.6 Production
    1. 2.7 Consumption
    1. 2.8 Other mortality
    1. 2.9 Representation of multi-stanza life histories in Ecopath, Ecosim and …
  5. 3 Introductory material: Ecosim
  6. 3 Introductory material: Ecosim
    1. 3.1 An overview of Ecosim
    1. 3.2 Ecosim Basics
    1. 3.3 Vulnerabilities in Ecosim
    2. Note about vulnerabilities and the EwE user interface
    1. 3.4 Dealing with dynamic instability in Ecosim / Ecospace
    1. 3.5 Predicting consumption
    1. 3.6 Foraging time and predation risk
    1. 3.7 Time series fitting in Ecosim: evaluating fisheries and environmental …
    1. 3.8 Hints for fitting models to time series reference data
    1. 3.9 Effect of P/B (Z) and vulnerability for time series fitting
    1. 3.10 Predator satiation and handling time effects
    1. 3.11 Modeling switching behavior in Ecosim
    1. 3.12 Compensatory mechanisms
    1. 3.13 Using Ecosim to study compensation in recruitment relationships
    1. 3.14 Compensatory growth
    1. 3.15 Compensatory natural mortality
    1. 3.16 Linking mediation and time forcing functions to trophic interaction …
    1. 3.17 Primary production
    1. 3.18 Nutrient cycling and nutrient limitation in Ecosim
    1. 3.19 Density-dependent changes in catchability
    1. 3.20 Modelling effort dynamics
    1. 3.21 Using Ecosim for Stock Reduction Analysis
    1. 3.22 Hatchery populations in Ecosim
    1. 3.23 Parameter sensitivity

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