Version 1 (modified by varunr, 15 years ago) (diff)

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3.14 Compensatory growth

Compensatory growth rate responses are modelled by setting the ‘feeding time adjustment rate’ (Group info? form) to zero, so that simulated 'Q/B' is allowed to vary with pool biomass (nonzero feeding time adjustment results in simulated organisms trying to maintain Ecopath base Q/B by varying relative feeding time).  Net production is assumed proportional (growth efficiency) to Q/B, whether or not this production is due to recruitment or growth.  The Q/B increase with decreasing pool biomass is increased by decreasing vulnerability of prey to the pool (Vulnerabilities? form).  In the extreme as vulnerability approaches zero (donor or bottom up control), total food consumption rate Q approaches a constant (Ecopath base consumption), so Q/B becomes inversely proportional to B.