13 | 13 | The process of constructing an Ecopath model provides a valuable end product in itself through explicit synthesis of work from many researchers. Several EwE models illustrate this, e.g., for the Prince William Sound (Okey and Pauly, 1998; 1999), the Strait of Georgia (Pauly et al., 1998b) and several North Atlantic models created as part of the Sea Around Us project activities at the UBC Fisheries Centre, (Guénette and Diallo, 2002). The model construction process has brought together scientists, researchers and data from state and federal levels of government, international research organizations, universities, public interest groups and private contractors. Key results include the identification of data gaps as well as common goals between collaborating parties that previously were hidden or less obvious. We find the process especially important for enabling the interest groups to take ownership of the model that is derived; this is especially required when operating at the ecosystem level, where multi-faceted policy goals have to be discussed widely as part of the management process. This is facilitated by the policy exploration methods included in the Ecosim model discussed further below. |