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Changes between Initial Version and Version 9 of Ticket #650

2010-04-05 18:58:24 (15 years ago)


  • Ticket #650

    • Property Status changed from new to closed
    • Property Severity changed from feature to minor
    • Property Resolution changed from to fixed
    • Property Keywords commas separators european added; comas as removed
    • Property Milestone changed from to Ecopath 6: build 6.0.8
    • Property Owner set to jeroens
    • Property Type changed from to assessed
  • Ticket #650 – Description

    initial v9  
    1 I have a student from Tunissia that was trying to use Ecosim v6 and load a model I have fitted to time series of data and she had the classic problem of , and . So she had to change the preferences on her computer to . for decimals to have Ecosim runing properly. I think this bug was somehow fixed some time ago, but it looks like it is not fixed 100%, at least for African-French speaking computers :) 
     1I have a student from Tunisia that was trying to use Ecosim v6 and load a model I have fitted to time series of data and she had the classic problem of , and . So she had to change the preferences on her computer to . for decimals to have Ecosim running properly. I think this bug was somehow fixed some time ago, but it looks like it is not fixed 100%, at least for African-French speaking computers :)