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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1096

2012-04-12 00:28:11 (12 years ago)

EwE uses the .NET browser control to show the start page, which, .NET being a Microsoft development environment, is hardwired to Internet Explorer. The embedded control uses an older browser engine, and is more sensitive to script errors than the installed version of IE.

The script errors can be suppressed though, which will hide any errors. Implemented as such.


  • Ticket #1096 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 EcoPath with Ecosim version 6.2 is being used by an Environmental Protection Agency scientist and she gets a runtime error when she starts of navigates within the software. I've noticed that I get a similar error (syntax error, line 2, char 1) when I browse to the ecopath,org web page. We use internet explorer 7. Is this expected? 
     1Ecopath with Ecosim version 6.2 is being used by an Environmental Protection Agency scientist and she gets a runtime error when she starts of navigates within the software. I've noticed that I get a similar error (syntax error, line 2, char 1) when I browse to the ecopath,org web page. We use internet explorer 7. Is this expected?