Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 unable to duplicate Ecosim not giving me output administrator carieh

Ecosim not giving me output I am working off of my model now- Antarctic Peninsula. When you go into Ecosim, the model should run smooth (even biomass) under a new scenario. Then if you increase the juvenile krill group mortality to 4 (or the fishing relative mortality to 4- whatever you want to call it in this case)- the red line in the drawing box should be at 4- the model should get the groups splitting off (some crash, and some increase, but they should not all be at 1 for the whole time period. I cannot get version 6 to budge from equilibrium. I am not sure the values in the drawing box are getting to the model.

Basically I am not getting any changes in the model, as I should be getting

#154 unable to duplicate Ecosim fails to save administrator carieh

Ok this one is kind of my fault, but still crashes the system... If I am in a screen of Ecosim, and I try to load a scenario, I get this error message, and I have to shut down the program. Plus after I shut down the program my word document (still on the screen) flashes for a few seconds. I dont know I just thought it was funny. OS I guess you cannot access a new scenario of ecosim while any of the ecosim tabs are open.

Unable to duplicate on same model that Carie used? Let's keep an eye on this.

#275 unable to duplicate double clicking on a multistanza group in basic input> edit multistanza errors administrator carieh

double clicking on a multistanza parameter in the basic input takes me to the edit multistanza parameter interface where I should be able to edit the parameters for M-stanza groups. Although I get error messages when I try to edit anything (von B k parameter)

I am also getting errors when I select the edit m-stanza groups, and try to edit the parameters there.

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