Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#802 not fixable Publications should be sorted by year, author jeroens martac

The list of publications on is sorted by year, but authors per year appear in a random order.

#1023 not fixable Multi-stanza age fixed in months, does not work for time unit of days hectorp

I am building a zooplankton model that requires time units of days. Stanza ages should be expressed in days or hours which is not possible right now

#1056 not fixable Monte Carlo does not reset to changes in Vulnerability joeb joeb

If you changes the Vulnerability values while running the Monte Carlo the Monte Carlo will not reset the Upper and Lower limits of the vulnerabilities to the new values. It will use the new value as its mean but not reset the limits. To work around this you need to save and reload the Ecosim Scenario and the Monte Carlo will re-set its vulnerability limits

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