Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1480 fixed Ecospace results are not saved barbarab

Under Tools/Options/File? management/Auto-save results Ecospace and Ecosim are both checked. Ecosim results are saved as expected after running Ecosim. Ecospace model runs normally, but no folder is created with the results

#1479 not an issue Import of HSPEN data with two (conflicting) data blocks jeroens jeroens

Some users downloaded HSPEN CSV files from AquaMaps? that have two data blocks with functional responses, where functional responses with the same name contain different values.

AquaMaps? has been contacted for information how to interpret this content

#1478 fixed Failure to parse "used" field jeroens jeroens

The HSPEN CSV file format can use different ways to format the "used" field: as a single Integer value or as a floating point value. The importer fails on floating point representations of the used flag

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.