Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#131 fixed Basic Input screen- not accessible after using Ecosim administrator carieh

After running Ecosim, I cannot open the Basic input screen in Ecopath. I can open any other screen (and even the edit groups screen) but not the basic input. I am not sure why?

I also tried to close and re-open the model, but I still cannot get into the basic input screen. Using lab 3 july 25.

As test turned out, the issue is indeed caused by a damaged layout file. Carie has to close the program and restart it for the layout to be properly restored.

Solution is three-fold: 1) Prevent layout files from restoring forms as hidden 2) Ensure that the program does not have to be restarted to reveal hidden

forms; clearing the 'Save Window Layout' option should be enough

3) Add a 'Reset layout' option to Menu > Windows

#132 fixed SumB=0 assertion indicates that default model creation is not working well administrator jeroens

To reproduce:

  • Create a new model
  • Open the Edit Groups dialog
  • Add two groups and assign them to a new stanza configuration
  • Close the Edit Groups dialog with [OK]

The system will assert

This assertion is caused by -INF SumB values. This is due to Z values of -9999 (traced back to Mortality(iGroup) = -9999, derived from PBInput(iGroup) = -9999)

In EwE5, Z values are 0

#133 fixed Increasing fishing rate in Ecosim- Changes not consistent administrator carieh

When I increase the fishing of the menhaden fleet by drawing in the mortality sketch box everything is fine, but when I try to use the F= button, then it sets the mortality of all fishing fleets to 5x (which is what I set it to). I would assume that if I used the F= button, then it should only work for the group displayed on the screen.

If I use the F= button for individual groups, then only 1 group (the one I am working on) changes. It doesnt seem to matter which fleet I change, they all change together though. This is also the case when I draw in effort by hand- sketching- if I change one value they all change. And no I am not changing only combined gears, although when I change an individual fleet, that one changes also.

Fang I think this is because in RunEcosim?.UpdateCoreShapeData? m_selectionMode nver get set to eSelectionModeType.Shippies. I fixed some other stuff in here but this is still messed up


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