Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#159 fixed Options- group color not changing in Ecosim administrator carieh

So assuming I am using this correctly. . . I loaded an existing model (lab 1 Aug 6 created) and I went to the tools->options->model-> color and then changed all of the group colors to new ones. Then I went to Ecosim to run the model, and the colors remained at the default.

Please send this back if this is not what I am meant to test.

#160 fixed Editing groups- editing multistanza ages- inverted numbers administrator carieh

Sorry if this is a repeat- I cannot seem to find it, but it is still not working properly.

When editing the ages of multistanza groups in the general edit groups interface, the cells read the numbers differently than the other cells. If I wanted to type in 36, the number would come out as 63 because the cursor moves to the left of the last number you have typed instead of staying to the right.

This issue is caused by a bug in third-party software that we are using. The bug is specific to the numerical up/down grid cells. We have no access to the grid cell logic underneath; a work-around would be to replace the numeric cells with plain text edit cells.

#161 fixed Creating/ adding multistanza groups- cannot add more once created administrator carieh

Must add/create all multistanza groups at the same time or else changes do not show up. If you link 2 groups as multistanza, then close interface, reopen, add a third group as multistanza- only the first 2 show up. You have to delete all groups close interface and then re-open add all 3 in one go to make correct. It still works with the bug

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