Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#128 fixed Ecosim- Net efficiency- incorrect values administrator carieh

For the group other prey (in model 3 july 25) this value is not being calculated correctly. I am not sure where the discrepancy lies, but the value is 0.221 for net efficiency in version 5 and 0.177 for version 6. The other groups in the model ARE being calculated CORRECTLY.

#129 fixed Ecosim-output- biomass- Results are missing administrator carieh

I am getting all 0 values here. Perhaps this is not completed yet?

#130 open Ecosim output- drawing screen not resetting properly administrator carieh

In the drawing box (for fishing fleets or mortality)in ecosim output If I set the fishing to 3x and reset F (they should all go back to 1) I get this funny little blip at the end of the graph. This seems to happen every time, either a little extra sticking up, or sometimes it cuts down into the graph instead. While it doesnt seem to affect the model, I think it needs to be corrected for users (otherwise there might be some visual confusion on what the value is). see word doc- notes July 25 for example

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