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Results (115 - 117 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#147 fixed Multistanza graph not correct administrator carieh

When I edit the multistanza group (cod)[lab4 aug 16 created]. It calculates values correctly, and the values do remain correct when I close and re-open the edit multistanza tab. However the graphical display is not the same as in version 5 (see images in Aug16notes.doc in email)

#148 fixed parameterization for groups with EE=0 administrator carieh

This is interesting if I import a model with marine mammal groups where the EE is 0 (as this is common for marine mammal groups as nobody eats them) I do NOT get errors for the parameterization. However if I create a model where the EE for a group is 0, the model will still balance, but I DO get the warning in the status box that my model is NOT balanced. This does not prevent me from going onto Ecosim, or using any other functionality. There may be something that this is causing further down the line that I am completely unaware of. I was using my Antarctic model

#149 fixed Ecosim biomass output altered after loading time series. administrator carieh

Ok this one is a little confusing. I am using my Antarctic model for this one. I have imported the model and loaded a previously created scenario in ecosim. Then I have loaded my time series data, and when I go to run ecosim again, I get a flatline in the biomass output. It doesn'e seem to matter which groups I mess with, I always get a flatline (which shouldnt be happening)

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