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Results (112 - 114 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#133 fixed Increasing fishing rate in Ecosim- Changes not consistent administrator carieh

When I increase the fishing of the menhaden fleet by drawing in the mortality sketch box everything is fine, but when I try to use the F= button, then it sets the mortality of all fishing fleets to 5x (which is what I set it to). I would assume that if I used the F= button, then it should only work for the group displayed on the screen.

If I use the F= button for individual groups, then only 1 group (the one I am working on) changes. It doesnt seem to matter which fleet I change, they all change together though. This is also the case when I draw in effort by hand- sketching- if I change one value they all change. And no I am not changing only combined gears, although when I change an individual fleet, that one changes also.

Fang I think this is because in RunEcosim?.UpdateCoreShapeData? m_selectionMode nver get set to eSelectionModeType.Shippies. I fixed some other stuff in here but this is still messed up


#134 fixed Ecosim biomass outputs are not correct administrator carieh

I am working off the model lab 3 created july 25th, and comparing version 5 to version 6. I am getting slightly different results in the Ecosim output. I cannot show you the values because they dont show up in version 6, but when I run ecosim at base level both they are the same. If I increase the combined gears in both models to 3x the fishing pressure, the results are similar but not the same. I even tried re-creating the version 5 model to see of there was something built-into it that would have chased the change, but this does not fix the problem. I will attach both databases for you to have a look at. Or come and see me for questions.

Also I should mention it should be more clear if you look at the plots in Ecosim for individual groups. there are small discrepencies, but you have to look for them.

Possibilities for this:

Max relative P/B is still set to 2 for each group, when in version 5 it was only set to 2 for phytoplankton. I have tested this, but this doesnt seem to have an effect on the outcome.


Group info defaults are explicit in version6, where they may be the same in version 5 but you cannot see them (I am speaking about phytoplankton only)

#135 fixed Ecospace load scenario- not working administrator carieh

only works for the scenarios that were attached when the file was imported from version 5 (load scenario)(I am working on lab 3 imported july 27). I cannot create a new scenario in ecospace, I get a lot of error messages. Once I have created a new scenario, I cannot get into it, even if I close the model and re-open and try to load the scenario I have already created. So the load scenario button works for scenarios that were imported with the model.

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