Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#144 fixed Remarks missing in Ecopath Basic input administrator carieh

I have just imported my own model, and seem to have lost the remarks. Where have they gone?? Remarks in the Diet matrix show up, but not in the basic inputs.

Implemented in builds after

#145 fixed creating scenarios in Ecosim- using similar words causes problems administrator carieh

When creating a new ecosim scenario, if I use the same word that have been previously used, the computer tries to guess what I am typing. For example in my model (Antarctic Peninsula) I named one of the ecosim scenarios carie, now if I try to name another one Carie Aug 9 after I type Carie it changes the words to carie (by un-capitalizing the C) and moving the cursor to the beginning of carie so basically this is annoying, but not a major bug. You can re-create by creating various scenarios with similar names.

#146 unable to duplicate Ecosim not giving me output administrator carieh

Ecosim not giving me output I am working off of my model now- Antarctic Peninsula. When you go into Ecosim, the model should run smooth (even biomass) under a new scenario. Then if you increase the juvenile krill group mortality to 4 (or the fishing relative mortality to 4- whatever you want to call it in this case)- the red line in the drawing box should be at 4- the model should get the groups splitting off (some crash, and some increase, but they should not all be at 1 for the whole time period. I cannot get version 6 to budge from equilibrium. I am not sure the values in the drawing box are getting to the model.

Basically I am not getting any changes in the model, as I should be getting

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