Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1011 fixed Relative and Absolute biomass time series do not work well together villyc

Here's a weird behavior using EwE6.2. Read in the (zip) lionfish model; Ecosim: prueba taller lionfish. Import the attached time series. You'll see that lionfish dies off (green line, high fishing), and other than that nothing much happens. That is wrong, there is a time series that introduces lionfish after five years. Now go to time series and disable the third time series, a relative biomass for lion fish. Run again. Now it's OK, the lionfish bounces back.

So, adding a relative B time series to a group that has a forced biomass causes the forced biomass to be ignored. That doesn't make sense.

#1015 fixed Ecospace re-size map to smaller fails joeb

In Ecospace make a large map then save and re-open it. 

Re-size the map to smaller. It Crashes and or Asserts.

Now try to deleted the map.

#1016 fixed Ecospace Save Scenario as... fails joeb

Try to save an existing Ecospace scenario via the Save As... 

I think the scenario is created it just does not show up in the interface, but that is a guess.

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