Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#965 fixed Running searches need to be better protected and terminated jeroens

This requires safety at several levels:

  • Cannot close a form that leaves search running
  • Cannot close core when a search is running
  • Cannot run anything else when a search is running
  • Cannot start search when something else is running
#967 fixed Taxon Exception when opening second model joeb

Find two models that have a different number of groups.

Open the model with the smaller number of groups first.

Open the model with the larger number of groups cTaxonDataStructures.NumGroupTaxa?() throws an exception that is handled and asserts. If you click throw the asserts the model will load but I'm guessing it is messed up and is just waiting to explode...

#973 fixed Assigned mediation weights + values interface is not obvious joeb

In the mediation (and new price elasticity) interfaces the 'Define X-axis' bars convey misleading information. We need a way to display actual mediated values, computed from weights.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.