Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#961 fixed Price Elasticity Define supply not all group/fleet combo are showing up in selection box joeb

Open Georgia strait

Open Ecopath Fishery Landing dialogue

Open Price elasticity Define supply dialogue

Some combination of Groups/Fleets? are not in the selection box

#962 fixed Ecospace Sailing Cost map not computing correctly joeb

cEcospace.CalculateCostOfSailing?(...) was not computing the distance between cells correctly. cEcospace.CalDistance?(...) requires the arguments to be in Lat Lon which they were not. This has been temporarily fixed but there will still be a wrapping problem with how Lat Log is calculated from cell x,y. cEcospaceBaseMap contains functions to do this but it is not accessible to cEcospace we just need to sort out how to organize this   

#964 fixed Ecospace sailing cost map distorted N/S vs E/W joeb

Ecospace should take proper projections into account when calculating cell sizes used for the sailing cost map.

To be solved w true spatial integration

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.