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Results (91 - 93 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#686 fixed Ecosim Export to .csv does not work jeroens villyc

Reported by Horacio Pérez-España <hespana@…>

I'm still having troubles with my Ecopath Model. I'm using ecosim but I can't export the results of the simulation. The option to export to CSV file does appear but the program not generate the file. Could you help me please?

#718 fixed Ecosim: effort shapes not properly updated? villyc

Found a ‘feature’ with the TEEB model. Load one of them, load teeb scenario; runs 98 years; change to 49 years, back to 98 years. It will now take the effort from year 49 and apply that to years 50-98. That’s fine.

Then load the TEEB time series. It has effort of 0 for years 50--. Do the same trick as above, 98 -> 49 -> 98. The forms shows that the effort stays at 0, but when you run Ecosim you can see that the effort for 50-98 actually is being set to the same as 49 internally. Shows up by catches continuing and there’s fishing mortality.

It’s an inconsistency, not a real problem, but may confuse users. Probably best to let it work the same way whether or not there’s a time series loaded; so the 98 -> 49 -> 98 trick should let all F’s after 49 be set to 49 value. It it is easier to avoid messing with the time series, then just make sure that the internal effort is being maintained at the time series values.

Not a rush thing

#721 unable to duplicate Ecosim run plot does not auto-scale Y axis jeroens villyc

Ecosim: plot, cumulative, catches, does not scale y axis automatically.

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