Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#955 fixed Price Elasticity Define supply must contain fleet indexes joeb

In the Price elasticity Define supply dialogue the user can select just a group to define the landings. This implies that all fleets that land this group are included with the same weight. This defines the fleet as having a zero index. Fleets can not have a zero index in the code and this means that this value is not used.

One solution would be to added a Group/Fleet? combo for each fleet that lands this group.

Another would be to not allow adding of just groups the user would always need to select a group/fleet combo

This is probable the cause of the Ecopath weight bug

#957 fixed Add Relative Value plot to Run Ecosim joeb

Add a Relative Value plot option to the Run Ecosim form

#959 duplicate Add Value plots to Ecosim Plots joeb

Add Value plots to Ecosim plots.

Add a plot with relative Catch and relative Value on the same graph? This will show the effect of the Price Elasticity functions.

To do this we need to change the Ecosim plots to allow selection of plots

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.