Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#665 fixed Editing Time Series values will reset target group to 1 jeroens villyc

Modify timeseries type, the group will be reset.

#674 fixed Ecosim plot 'Yield by fleet' should show cumulative data jeroens villyc

10/02/2010 17:19:06] Villy Christensen: also, I wonder. On the Ecosim plot, the lower left plot, Yield, shows yield by fleet. that's great, but it should be cumulative yield, so add them up on top of each other.

#677 fixed Ecopath PP interface jeroens villyc

we can change the PP to: "part of production from primary productivity. [16:47:36] Villy Christensen: Notice though that the PP has the value 2 for detritus. that is a code used internally only, and it shouldn't be on the grid [16:48:00] Villy Christensen: only values in the range 0-1 should be input (0 and 1 included)

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