Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#80 unable to duplicate Basic input errors jeroens carieh

I got a whole wack of errors form inserting groups (creating a model) but they still show up on the basic input screen, so Im not sure what the errors are. Functionality is still ok. (so-far). I just clicked ignore and nothing crashed.

Please give me more info on the type of errors, preferrably assertions. I am unable to recreate this :(

#81 fixed Basic input shading boxes jeroens carieh

The shading looks much better- Thanks Joren, there still seem to be 2 boxes (at least in this model that are still not shaded) - Under the Unassil/Consumption? column, there are no shaded boxes. In version 5 these are shaded for the detritus and phytoplankton groups. I am not sure of the significance of the shading for this column, just reporting the inconsistency. Oh wait the Q/B ratio for phytoplankton is also not shaded, may be why I cannot balance? Also P/Q for phytoplankton is not shaded. I should mention my only basis for determining if it should be shaded is if it was in version 5. If you have reasons for not shading, then ok.

The shading is supposed to emulate EwE5, so shading behaviour should be the same. This is a bug.

#82 fixed Fishing fleets- edit fleets (append button) administrator carieh

I am not sure the purpose of the append button. it seems to insert a fleet at the bottom, but there are already the buttons for inserting a fleet an moving it up and down- it seems a little repetive, unless I am missing the meaning of this botton.

You are totally right; this button is redundant and thus obsolete. It's a feature that can easily be removed; let's discuss this one in the meeting. Or I can simply ditch it ;)

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