Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#587 open Effort on ecosim plot carieh villyc

Sitting with Sherman: The effort plot on the ecosim run plot would scale from 0.4 on the y-axis, and we couldn't change it. Also, I read in an effort value of a fleet for year 25. On the plot it was plotted as if it was year 23, so they placement of the labels on the x-axis is wrong.

#591 open Timeseries plotting on ecosim plots villyc villyc

On the small Ecosim plots: F values (type = 4) should not be plotted as they are used to drive the model Abolute biomasses (type = 1) are not being plotted, they should be.

#592 open Create new model: fisheries administrator villyc

I created a new model from scratch today, when I entered fleets, saved to close, it bombed, and I couldn't open the file afterwards. Saw the same problem with adding fleets in another model.

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