Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#549 not an issue Headers for predation mortality graph do not show up in Excel administrator carieh

Ok I know this is not a big deal, but when I am cutting and pasting the values/ tables into excel for analysis the headers do not show up for this interface, the wording is there, but try it, just select the upper left cell and then try to cut and paste.

There is some funny = that makes the text not appear. I know I am being fussy, but that's my job :-) You can ignore it if you don't always

#555 not an issue Ecopath output> electivity> blank values show as -1 administrator carieh

If you go into ecopath output and select the electivity interface and copy and paste (click the upper left cell to highlight all the values) then paste into excel, the blank values will appear as -1....interesting :-)

#560 not an issue Importing model with created Ecosim scenario gives incorrect results carieh carieh

Hi Jeroen, I have sent you the model I had the issue with, cause I have no idea what is going on here. When I open the model in version 5 and create a new ecosim scenario, I run the scenario and it flatlines, like is should

When I import the model into version 6, and create a scenario, and run ecosim the model does not flatline. I get fluctuation and I am not sure why. I am just importing the model and creating an ecosim scenario.

Version Model: lab 6 Policy

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