Custom Query (1539 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 1539)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#881 not an issue cCustomComboBoxFleetGroupTree throws an unhandled exception when Dispose is called joeb
  • Open the Run Ecosim form
  • Click on the Fishing Effort dropdown combo box.
  • Close the application

cCustomComboBoxFleetGroupTree.Clear() throws an exception when called from Dispose. I've put a Try Catch in Clear() and Asserted on the Catch to make it easier to find when this happens. Its most likely not a big deal as this only happens during the call from Dispose().

#890 not an issue base case in Ecosim brianl brianl

Can't figure out why the base case in Ecosim (no forcing, no biomass accumulation) is not at equilibrium when there are age stanzas in the model. Changes vulnerabilities makes the difference more pronounced (in my case increasing vulnerabilities)

I'm using the newest version and have attached two very simple models (one without age stanzas, one with).

#97 fixed adjusting columns administrator carieh

The ability to scale the columns. Generally they are set far apart, and you have to scale individually in order to see more on one screen- for those of us without the wide screen. There was talk of using the ctrl button to scale all of them in one click. Can you also make it so that if you scale them, they remain that way every time you come back to that tab. This would be greatly appreciated. For example, the mortality screens, I would like to be able to shrink the columns, and then when I go back to rebalance the model, these tabs shut and when I re-open it would be nice if they were set to the way I left them. Not absolutely necessary, but I think the ability to shrink all columns at once is necessary for users.

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