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cEcosimDatastructures Class

This class wraps the underlying EcoSim data structures
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cEcosimDatastructures

The cEcosimDatastructures type exposes the following members.

Public methodcEcosimDatastructures
Initializes a new instance of the cEcosimDatastructures class
Public propertyNTimes
Number of time steps to run the model for
Public propertyNumEnvResponseFunctions
Public methodClear
Public methodclearFishForced
Set the FisForced() array to False of all groups
Public methodClearSummaryResults
Public methodCopyTo
Deep-copy Ecosim data structures to another instance.
Public methodDefaultFishingRates
Set default fish rate values
Public methodDefaultFishMortalityRates
Set default fish mortality values
Public methodDefaultSummaryPeriods
Set the summary time periods to using the Ecoism run length (NTime)
Public methodDimForcingShapes
Dimension all forcing function variables by ForcingPoints (number of forcing points/simulation years) and or ForcingShapes (number of forcing shapes)
Public methoddimResults
Dimension the results over time arrays i.e. ResultsOverTime(),ResultsSumCatchByGroupGear()
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methoderaseResults
Erase all the results arrays
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetSummaryBioForGroup
Public methodgetSummaryBioOfCatch
Public methodgetSummaryCatchByGroup
Public methodgetSummaryCostByCatch
Public methodgetSummaryValueByGroup
Public methodgetSummaryValueOfCatch
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitForcingShapes
Initialize the forcing shapes to a value of one. This will overwrite an existing values
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodonEcosimRunCompleted
An Ecosim run has completed
Public methodRedimOutputsByTime
Public methodredimTime
Public methodRedimVars
Public methodResizeForcingShapes
Resize the Forcing Shape Data to the new size this can be bigger or smaller then the existing number of elements
Public methodResizeMediationShapes
Resize the Forcing Shape Data to the new size this can be bigger or smaller then the existing number of elements
Public methodsetEffortToDefault
Set effort to default value for all the fleets in list
Public methodsetRelQToT
Public methodSummarizeResults
Computed summarized results for Ecosim
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldAbortRun
Public fieldActivePair
Public fieldAlink
Public fieldArenaLink
Public fieldArenaNo
Public fieldAssimEff
Public fieldbAlwaysCalcTLc
Toggle to enable TL calculations during searches. Normally this is not enabled because TL info is not used by searches.
Public fieldBaseTimeSwitch
Public fieldBiomassOn
Public fieldBioMedData
Mediation data for Biomass Mediation
Public fieldbMultiThreaded
Boolean flag that tells Ecosim to run on it's own thread.
Public fieldBoutFeeding
Public fieldbTimestepOutput
Boolean flag set by the calling routine to tell Ecosim if it should process the output timestep data cEcoSImModel.ProcessTimeStep()
Public fieldCapBaseGrowth
Public fieldCapDepreciate
Public fieldCapEnvResData
Capacity Environmental Response functions (mediation functions). Shape to convert input value to capacity value e.g. CapacityMap(irow,icol) = F(InputMap(irow,icol)) (capacity as a function of X)
Public fieldCatchSim
Total catch per timestep
Public fieldCbase
Public fieldCmCo
QBmax/QBo for handling time > 1.
Public fieldConsumpt
Public fieldConsumption
Base consumption on a prey by a predator
Public fieldDCPct
Public fieldStatic memberDEFAULT_N_FORCINGPOINTS
Public fieldDetritusOut
Base rate of Detritus accumulation ([accumulated detritus biomass]/[biomass t=0]) calculated in SimDetritusMT.
Public fieldDiscount
Discount rate (% per year).
Public fieldEatenby
Public fieldEatenof
Public fieldEcosimEnvResFunctions
Public fieldEffortConversionFactor
Unit conversion factor for fishing effort
Public fieldEggProdShape
Public fieldElect
Public fieldEmig
Public fieldEmploymentValueByFleet
Summarized Jobs from results
Public fieldEnvRespFuncIndex
Index of the Response function that has been applied to this EnviromentalDrive and Group (driver,group)
Public fieldEpower
Public fieldEquilibriumStepSize
Equilibrium step size.
Public fieldEquilScaleMax
Equilibrium max. fishing rate (relative).
Public fieldEvolveIsOn
Public fieldFIB
FIB index (x time)
Public fieldFirstTime
Public fieldFisForced
Public fieldFish1
Mortality due to fishing FCatch(group) / EcopathBiomass(group) by group
Public fieldFishMGear
Fishing mortality by Fleet, Group
Public fieldFishRateGear
Fishing Effort multiplier relative to Ecopath base, by Fleet, Time.
Public fieldFishRateGearBasis
Public fieldFishRateGearDBID
Public fieldFishRateGearTitle
Public fieldFishRateMax
Max catch rate ???
Public fieldFishRateNo
Fishing mortality over time for each group.
Public fieldFishRateNoDBID
Public fieldFishRateNoTitle
Public fieldFishTime
Mortality due to fishing at the current time step
Public fieldFleetDBID
Array of Ecosim fleet database IDs.
Public fieldFlowType
Public fieldForagingTimeLowerLimit
Public fieldForcePoints
Public fieldStatic memberFORCING_POINTS_PER_YEAR
Public fieldForcingDBIDs
Unique database IDs for forcing shapes.
Public fieldForcingShapeParams
Public fieldForcingShapeType
Public fieldForcingTitles
Public fieldFtime
Feeding Time scaling value
Public fieldFtimeAdjust
Feeding time adjustment rate (0-1).
Public fieldFtimeMax
Max relative feeding time.
Public fieldGroupDBID
Array of Ecosim group database IDs.
Public fieldGroupDetritus
Detritus from all sources by group
Public fieldHden
Public fieldHtime
Public fieldiadult
Public fieldIarena
Public fieldijuv
Public fieldilink
iPrey for inlinks
Public fieldIlinkSet
Public fieldIndicesOn
Public fieldinlinks
Total number of links/flow between groups
Public fieldIntegrate
Public fieldisSeasonal
Public fieldJarena
Public fieldjlink
iPred for inlinks
Public fieldJlinkSet
Public fieldKemptons
Kemptons's Q
Public fieldKlinkSet
Public fieldloss
Public fieldlstEnviroInputData
Public fieldmaxflow
Public fieldmaxtimejuv
Public fieldmintimejuv
Public fieldmo
Mortality other computed as (1-ee)*pb
Public fieldMoPred
Fraction of other mortality.
Public fieldMPred
Mortalily rate due to predation by Link
Public fieldNarena
Public fieldnGear
Total number of fleets in the model.
Public fieldnGroups
Total number of groups in the model.
Public fieldNlinksSet
Public fieldNoIntegrate
Flag for doing integration in rk4 for each group
Public fieldnSumTimeSteps
Number of timesteps in the summary data
Public fieldNudgeChecked
Public fieldNumForcingShapes
Public fieldNumStep
Number of time steps for averaging results.
Public fieldNumStep0
Public fieldNumStep1
Public fieldNumStepsPerYear
Number of steps per year.
Public fieldNumYears
Duration of simulation (years).
Public fieldNutBaseFreeProp
Base proportion of free nutrients.
Public fieldNutBiom
Sum of biomass across all groups
Public fieldNutForceNumber
Nutrient loading forcing function number. This is an index in the tval() array.
Public fieldNutFree
Nutrient free in the enviroment
Public fieldNutFreeBase
Public fieldNutMin
Public fieldNutPBmax
Max PB/(Base PB) due to nutrient concent.
Public fieldNutTot
Total nutrient bound in system
Public fieldpbbiomass
pbbiomass = (PB * MaxPB / PB - 1) / B
Public fieldpbm
Max PB = PBmax*PB
Public fieldPBmaxs
Public fieldPcapBase
Public fieldPeatArena
Public fieldPeatArenaSetFromDataBase
Public fieldpred
Public fieldPredictSimEffort
Public fieldPredPreyResultsOverTime
pred/prey(2) x groups x groups x time
Public fieldPriceMedData
Mediation data for Price Elasticity (mediation function)
Public fieldProfitByFleet
Summarized Profit from results
Public fieldPropDiscardMortTime
Public fieldPropdiscardtime
Proportion of the total catch that suffered mortality for the current time step (by gear group). Does not include discards that survived. Initialized in cEcosim.InitPropLanded() Propdiscardtime(iflt, igrp) = PropDiscard(iflt, igrp) * PropDiscardMort(iflt, igrp)
Public fieldPropLandedTime
Proportion of regulated landings (by gear group) for the current time step
Public fieldQBoutside
Public fieldQlink
Public fieldQmain
Public fieldQmQo
Density-dependant catchability QMax/Qo.
Public fieldQrisk
Public fieldRecPower
Public fieldRelaSwitch
Public fieldrelQ
Catch Rate at Ecopath base. Include all catch even discards that survive. set in SetRelativeCatchabilities
Public fieldrelQt
Public fieldResultsAvgByPreyPred
pred/prey(2) x groups x groups
Public fieldResultsDiscardsMort
Public fieldResultsDiscardsSurvived
Public fieldResultsEffort
Public fieldResultsLandings
Landings by Group, Fleet
Public fieldResultsOverTime
Model results over time (number of variables x groups x time)
Public fieldResultsSumCatchByGear
fleets x time
Public fieldResultsSumCatchByGroupGear
Group x fleets x time.
Public fieldResultsSumFMortByGroupGear
Fishing mortality by time
Public fieldResultsSumRelValueByGroup
Public fieldResultsSumValueByGear
Public fieldResultsSumValueByGroupGear
Public fieldResultsTimeDiscardsGroupGear
Total discards by Group, fleets, time.
Public fieldResultsTimeDiscardsMortGroupGear
Discards that suffered mortality by Group, fleets, time.
Public fieldResultsTimeDiscardsSurvivedGroupGear
Discards that survived by Group, fleets, time.
Public fieldResultsTimeLandingsGroupGear
Landing by Group, Fleet, Time.
Public fieldRiskTime
Predation effect on feeding time (0-1).
Public fieldShannonDiversity
Shannon Diversity Index
Public fieldSimDC
Public fieldsimDCAtT
Public fieldSimGE
Public fieldSorWt
Relaxation parameter [0,1].
Public fieldSS
Sum of squares fit to reference data
Public fieldSSGroup
Sum of squares by group
Public fieldStartBiomass
Public fieldStepSize
Integration steps (per year).
Public fieldStepsPerMonth
Number of sub timesteps Ecosim will run per month
Public fieldSumBiomass
Public fieldSumCatch
Public fieldSumStart
Start time of the first and second summary data period. In Years
Public fieldSwitchPower
Switching power parameter (0-2).
Public fieldSystemRecovery
System recovery (+/- %).
Public fieldTimeJuv
Public fieldTLC
TL of catch (x time)
Public fieldTLSim
TL based on Ecosim diets (x group)
Public fieldToDetritus
Public fieldTrophicOff
Public fieldtval
Public fieldUseVarPQ
Public fieldVulArena
Public fieldVulMult
Vulnerability multiplier of a prey to a predator
Public fieldVulMultAll
Public fieldVulnerabilityPredator
Max vulnerability across all prey for this predator VulnerabilityPredator(pred) = max(VulMult(prey,pred))
Public fieldvulrate
Public fieldZmaxScale
Public fieldzscale
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also