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cEcoPathGroupOutput Class

Results from EcoPath for a single group.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cEcoPathGroupOutput : cCoreGroupBase

The cEcoPathGroupOutput type exposes the following members.

Public methodcEcoPathGroupOutput
Initializes a new instance of the cEcoPathGroupOutput class
Public propertyAinLWOutput
Public propertyAlpha
Public propertyAlphaInt32
Public propertyArea
Public propertyAreaStatus
Public propertyAssimilation
Public propertyAssimilationStatus
Public propertyBinLWOutput
Public propertyBioAccum
Public propertyBioAccumRatePerYear
Public propertyBiomass
Public propertyBiomassAccumStatus
Public propertyBiomassArea
Public propertyBiomassAreaStatus
Public propertyBiomassAvgSzWt
Public propertyBiomassStatus
Public propertyBiomassSzWt
Public propertyConsumption
Public propertyConsumptionInt32
Public propertyCoreComponent
Get the core component type that this object belongs to. Component types are useful for determining the level of impact that objects have on the EwE computing model.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDataType
Get the data type uniquely identifying the type of core data that this class implements.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDBID
Returns the persistent unique database ID for an ICoreInputOutput.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDisposed (Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyEcopathBiomass
Public propertyEcopathBiomassInt32
Public propertyEcopathNumber
Public propertyEcopathNumberInt32
Public propertyEcopathWeight
Public propertyEcopathWeightInt32
Public propertyEEOutput
Public propertyEEOutputStatus
Public propertyFishMortPerTotMort
Fishing mort / total mort
Public propertyFlowToDet
Public propertyFlowToDetStatus
Public propertyGEOutput
Public propertyGEOutputStatus
Public propertyGS
Public propertyGSStatus
Public propertyHlap
Public propertyHlapInt32
Public propertyImportedConsumption
Public propertyImportedConsumptionStatus
Public propertyIndex
Get/set the one-based index of a cCoreInputOutputBase instance in the list that it is contained in.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyIsConsumer
Gets whether this group is a consumer (PP < 1.0)
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyIsDetritus
Gets whether this group is detritus (PP = 2.0).
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyIsLiving (Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyIsMultiStanza
Get whether this group is part of a multi-stanza configuration.
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyIsProducer
Gets whether this group is a producer (0 < PP <= 1.0).
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyiStanza
Get/set the zero-based index of the stanza configuration this group belongs to.
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyLooOutput
Public propertyLorenzenMortality
Public propertyLorenzenMortalityInt32
Public propertyMortCoBioAcumRate
BA(i) / B(i)
Public propertyMortCoBioAcumRateStatus
Public propertyMortCoFishRate
Catch(i) / B(i)
Public propertyMortCoFishRateStatus
Public propertyMortCoNetMig
(Emigration(i) - Immig(i)) / B(i)
Public propertyMortCoNetMigStatus
Public propertyMortCoOtherMort
Public propertyMortCoOtherMortStatus
Public propertyMortCoPB
Public propertyMortCoPredMort
Public propertyMostCoPBStatus
Public propertyMostCoPredMortStatus
Public propertyName
Get/set the name of a core object. Every ICoreInterface derived instance in EwE6 has a name.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyNatMortPerTotMort
Proportion of mortality due to predation and other mort
Public propertyNetEfficiency
Public propertyNetEfficiencyStatus
Public propertyNetMigration
Public propertyNetMigrationStatus
Public propertyOmnivoryIndex
Public propertyOmnivoryIndexStatus
Public propertyPBOutput
Public propertyPBOutputStatus Obsolete.
Public propertyPBStatus
Public propertyPlap
Public propertyPlapInt32
Public propertyPP
The ratio that this group contributes to Primary Production.
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Public propertyPredMort
Predation mortality array
Public propertyPredMortInt32
Predation mortality on this group caused by this ipred
Public propertyPredMortStatus
Public propertyProdResp
Public propertyPSD
Public propertyPSDInt32
Public propertyQBOutput
Public propertyQBStatus
Public propertyRemark
Get/set a remark.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyRespAssim
Public propertyRespBiom
Public propertyRespiration
Public propertyRespirationStatus
Public propertySearchRate
Public propertySearchRateInt32
Public propertySearchRateStatus
Public propertySearchRateStatusInt32
Public propertyt0Output
Public propertyTcatchOutput
Public propertyTmaxOutput
Public propertyTTLX
Public propertyTTLXStatus
Public propertyUnits (Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyValidationStatus
Get the outcome of the most recently performed variable validation attempt on a cCoreInutOutputBase instance.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyValueDescriptor
Returns the Value descriptor for a given variable name, associated with this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyVBK
Public propertyWinfOutput
Public methodClear (Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodDispose
Destroy an instance.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetID
Returns the unique ID for this object as a text string.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetStatus
Returns the status of a variable in this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVariable
Return the value of a variable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetVariableMetadata
Return metadata associated with a variable. If the local instance does not have metadata associated the central metadata repository is consulted.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodSetStatus
Replaces current status flags for a given variable with a new set of status flags.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodSetVariable
Set the value of a variable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected fieldm_bReadOnly
States whether an object will allow its values to be modified via SetVariable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_bValidate
States whether Variable validation is enabled for this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_core
Reference to the EwE Core that exposes the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_coreComponent
The EwE core component that this object belongs to
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_dataType
Container for the data type describing the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_iStanza
Zero-based index of the stanza configuration this group belongs to.
(Inherited from cCoreGroupBase.)
Protected fieldm_ValidationStatus
Container for the Validation status of the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
This class wraps the outputs from EcoPath for one group into a single object.
See Also