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cEcopathDataStructures Class

Wrapper for the underlying data structures of the EcoPath model. Provides a way to wrap all the data from EcoPath into one place
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cEcopathDataStructures

The cEcopathDataStructures type exposes the following members.

Public methodcEcopathDataStructures
Initializes a new instance of the cEcopathDataStructures class
Public propertyDiversityIndex
Returns the computed diversity index that is selected in DiversityIndexType
Public methodareUnitCurrencyNutrients
Returns whether Ecopath is set to use Nutrient-based currency units.
Public methodClear
Public methodCopyInputToModelArrays
Copy the Input arrays into the arrays that are used for modeling and model output.
Public methodDietWasChanged
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodonPostEcopathRun
Central handler for computing anything after an Ecopath model run.
Public methodonPostInitialization
Run any post initialization validation
Public methodRedimEcosimScenarios
Public methodRedimEcospaceScenarios
Public methodRedimEcotracerScenarios
Public methodRedimFleetVariables
Redimension all fishing variables
Public methodredimGroups
Redim All variables that in EcoPath that have an NGroup dimension
Public methodredimGroupVariables
redimension array variables called when a new model is loaded
Public methodRedimPedigree
Public methodSumDCToOne
Sums a Diet Composition matrix to one.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldActiveEcosimScenario
Index of active Ecosim scenario.
Public fieldActiveEcospaceScenario
Index of active Ecospace scenario.
Public fieldActiveEcotracerScenario
Index of active Ecotracer scenario.
Public fieldAlpha
Public fieldArea
Area (NumGroups)
Public fieldB
Biomass (computed)
Public fieldBA
Biomass accumulation (t/km²/year)
Public fieldBaBi
Biomass accumulation / biomass
Public fieldBAInput
Biomass accumulation (t/km²/year) as entered by the user
Public fieldBH
Biomass in habitat area (t/km²)
Public fieldBHinput
Biomass habitat area (input value)- original user input of BH.
Public fieldbInitialized
Public fieldBinput
Biomass (input value)- original user input of B.
Public fieldBQB
Public fieldCatchCode
Public fieldCatchSum
Sum of catch.
Public fieldConn
Connectance Index.
Public fieldConsum
Public fieldcost
cost(nFleets,3) '1 is fixed cost, 2 is cost per unit effort, 3 sailing cost
Public fieldCostPct
Public fieldCVpar
Public fieldDC
Diet composition(per pred, prey) (ratio), a NumGroups * NumGroups matrix of species consumption ratios.
Public fieldDCChanged
Diet (pred, prey) change flags.
Public fieldDCDet
Diet Composition of Detritus for fishery.
Public fieldDCInput
User input matrix for Diet composition(Pred, Prey) (ratio), a NumGroups * NumGroups matrix of species consumption ratios.
Public fielddet
Detritus flow (#groups + #fleet,#groups + #fleet)
Public fieldDetEaten
Public fieldDetPassedOn
Public fieldDetPassedProp
Public fieldDF
Detritus fate(per NumGroups, NumDetrit) (ratio)
Public fieldDietChanged
Public fieldDietsModified
Flag stating whether diets have been modified since the last time Ecopath has ran.
Public fieldDiscard
Discarded biomass by fleet group
Public fieldDiscardFate
Fate of discards (by fleet, #detritus)
Public fieldDiversityIndexType
Public fieldDt
Total flow of detritus
Public fieldDtImp
Detritus import (ratio)
Public fieldEcosimScenarioAuthor
Array of Ecosim scenario authors.
Public fieldEcosimScenarioContact
Array of Ecosim scenario contacts.
Public fieldEcosimScenarioDBID
Array of Ecosim scenario database IDs.
Public fieldEcosimScenarioDescription
Array of Ecosim scenario descriptions.
Public fieldEcosimScenarioLastSaved
Array of Ecosim scenario save dates (in julian day format).
Public fieldEcosimScenarioName
Array of Ecosim scenario names.
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioAuthor
Array of Ecospace scenario authors.
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioContact
Array of Ecospace scenario contacts.
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioDBID
Array of Ecospace scenario database IDs.
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioDescription
Array of Ecospace scenario descriptions.
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioLastSaved
Array of Ecospace scenario save dates (in julian day format).
Public fieldEcospaceScenarioName
Array of Ecospace scenario names.
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioAuthor
Array of Ecotracer scenario authors.
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioContact
Array of Ecotracer scenario contacts.
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioDBID
Array of Ecotracer scenario database IDs.
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioDescription
Array of Ecotracer scenario descriptions.
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioLastSaved
Array of Ecotracer scenario save dates (in julian day format).
Public fieldEcotracerScenarioName
Array of Ecotracer scenario names.
Public fieldEE
Ecotrophic efficiency (ratio)
Public fieldEEinput
Ecotrophic efficiency (ratio) - original user input value of EE.
Public fieldEmig
Emigration (per group) relative to biomass (ratio)
Public fieldEmigration
Emigration (per group) out of the area covered by the model (t/km²/year)
Public fieldEx
Public fieldfCatch
Sum (per NumGroups) of landings + discards.
Public fieldFirstYear
Public fieldFixed
Public fieldFleetColor
Colours for fleets in an interface (x fleet).
Public fieldFleetName
Names of fleets.
Public fieldFlowToDet
Flow to detritus (x (group + fleet)).
Public fieldGE
Production / consumption (ratio)
Public fieldGEff
Gross efficiency.
Public fieldGEinput
Production / consumption (ratio) - original user input of GE.
Public fieldGroupColor
Colours for groups in an interface (x group).
Public fieldGroupIsFish
States which groups are fishes. There is no interface in EwE for this flag, and its function should be replaced by the taxonomy logic
Public fieldGroupIsInvert
States which groups are invertebrates. There is no interface in EwE for this flag, and its function should be replaced by the taxonomy logic
Public fieldGroupName
Group names.
Public fieldGS
Unassimilation / consumption (ratio)
Public fieldGSEng
Unassimilation / consumption (ratio) for Energy Currency units ONLY
Public fieldHlap
Public fieldHost
Public fieldImmig
Migration into the area covered by the model (t/km²/year)
Public fieldInputToDet
Input to detritus (x group).
Public fieldisEcospaceModelCoupled
Is the currently loaded Ecospace model setup for coupling with an external model.
Public fieldisGroupLeadingB
Public fieldisGroupLeadingCB
Public fieldKemptonsQ
Public fieldLanding
Landinged biomass (by fleet,group)
Public fieldLandingValue
Public fieldLastComp
Public fieldM0
Public fieldM2
Public fieldMarket
Market value of landings (by fleet,group)
Public fieldmis
Number of missing variables per groups
Public fieldModelArea
Public fieldModelAuthor
Public fieldModelContact
Public fieldModelCountry
Public fieldModelDBID
Public fieldModelDescription
Public fieldModelEast
Public fieldModelEcobaseCode
Code of a model in the Ecobase repository, if any.
Public fieldModelEcosystemType
Public fieldModelGroupDigits
Public fieldModelLastSaved
Public fieldModelName
Public fieldModelNorth
Public fieldModelNumDigits
Public fieldModelPublicationDOI
Public fieldModelPublicationRef
Public fieldModelPublicationURI
Public fieldModelSouth
Public fieldModelUnitArea
Public fieldModelUnitAreaCustom
Public fieldModelUnitCurrency
Index of current selected currency units.
Public fieldModelUnitCurrencyCustom
Public fieldModelUnitMonetary
Public fieldModelUnitTime
Public fieldModelUnitTimeCustom
Public fieldModelWest
Public fieldNoGearData
Public fieldNumCatchCodes
Public fieldNumDetrit
Total number of detritus groups.
Public fieldNumEcosimScenarios
Number of Ecosim scenarios available in a loaded model.
Public fieldNumEcospaceScenarios
Number of Ecospace scenarios available in a loaded model.
Public fieldNumEcotracerScenarios
Number of Ecotracer scenarios available in a loaded model.
Public fieldNumFleet
Total number of fleets.
Public fieldNumGroups
Total number of groups (living and detritus)
Public fieldNumLiving
Total number of living groups.
Public fieldNumPedigreeLevels
Public fieldNumPedigreeVariables
Public fieldNumYears
Public fieldOtherMortinput
Other mortaility (ratio) - defined as 1-EE.
Public fieldPath
Public fieldPB
Production / biomass (/year)
Public fieldPBinput
Production / biomass (/year) - original user input of PB.
Public fieldPedigree
Array [#groups, #supported vars] = Level index.
Public fieldPedigreeLevelColor
Public fieldPedigreeLevelConfidence
Confidence interval expressed in rounded percentages
Public fieldPedigreeLevelDBID
Public fieldPedigreeLevelDescription
Public fieldPedigreeLevelEstimated
Public fieldPedigreeLevelIndexValue
Index value expressed in ratio [0, 1]
Public fieldPedigreeLevelName
Public fieldPedigreeLevelVarName
Public fieldPedigreeStatsModel
Public fieldPedigreeStatsTStar
Public fieldStatic memberPedigreeVariables
One-based array of variables supported by the pedigree system.
Public fieldPlap
Public fieldPP
Public fieldPProd
Public fieldPropDiscard
Proportion of total catch that are discards (by fleet, group)
Public fieldPropDiscardMort
Proportion of regulated discards that die (by fleet, group)
Public fieldPropLanded
Public fieldQB
Consumption / biomass (/year)
Public fieldQBinput
Consumption / biomass (/year) - original user input of QB.
Public fieldResp
All non-usable 'model currency' that leaves the box represented by a group.
Public fieldRTZ
Public fieldShadow
Public fieldShadowValue
Public fieldShannon
Public fieldStanzaGroup
Public fieldSumBio
Public fieldSumEx
Sum of exports.
Public fieldSumP
Sum of all production.
Public fieldSumR
Public fieldSysOm
Public fieldTimeUnitIndex
Index of current selected time unit.
Public fieldTimeUnitName
User-provided name for time units.
Public fieldTLcatch
Tropic level of the catch.
Public fieldTotpp
Public fieldTTLX
Trophic levels in Ecopath.
Public fieldVariab
Public fieldvbK
VBGF curvature parameter K (/year).
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also