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ICoreInputOutput Interface

Interface for accessing Core input or output objects.

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public interface ICoreInputOutput : IDisposable

The ICoreInputOutput type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDisposed
Gets whether the instance is disposed.
Public propertyValidationStatus
Returns the result of the most recent attempt to Set a variable.
Public methodClear
Clear the content of a ICoreInputOutput. This leaves the object ready to reuse.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetStatus
Returns the Status of a value exposed by a Core input or output object.
Public methodGetVariable
Returns the value exposed by a Core input or output object.
Public methodSetStatus
Sets the Status of a value exposed by a Core input or output object.
Public methodSetVariable
Sets the value of a variable exposed by a Core input or output object.
This allows all model/scenario input and output entities to be accessed through one interface.
See Also