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cLandingsMediationFunction Class

A derived mediation function, dedicated to modelling fleet-group interactions based on landings.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cLandingsMediationFunction : cMediationBaseFunction

The cLandingsMediationFunction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCoreComponent (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyDataType (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyDBID (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyEndEditPoint
Last X Index of the current edit block
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyFleet (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionFleetInt32.)
Public propertyGroup (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionGroupInt32.)
Public propertyID
Index of the shape in the list managers list of shape
(Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertyIndex
Get/set the index of the time series in a time series dataset.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyIsSeasonal
Get/set whether a shape is supposed to reflect a monthly pattern.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyMean (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyName
Get/set the name of a time series.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertynParams
Get the number of shape function parameters.
(Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertynPoints
Get the upper bound of the array.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyNumFleet (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionNumFleet.)
Public propertyNumGroups (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionNumGroups.)
Public propertyNYears (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertyShapeData
Returns the actual shape values. Note that his method returns a copy of the original data array; making changes to the array returned here will not be reflected in the original shape.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyShapeDataInt32
Get/set a value in the shape for a given point.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyShapeFunctionParameter
Get/set the value of a shape function parameter.
(Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertyShapeFunctionParameters
Get an array with the values for all shape function parameters.
(Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertyShapeFunctionType
Get/set the eShapeFunctionType that defines the forcing function.
(Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public propertyStartEditPoint
First X Index of the current edit block
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyTimeResolution
Get/set the eTSDataSetInterval temporal resolution of a shape.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyXBase
X Axis base value for sum of x biomass
(Inherited from cMediationBaseFunction.)
Public propertyXBaseIndex
X Axis base index for biomass
(Inherited from cMediationBaseFunction.)
Public propertyXMax Obsolete.
Obsolete please use cShapeData.nPoints instead.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public propertyYMax
Get the maximum value in the shape.
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public methodAddFleet (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionAddFleet(Int32, Single).)
Public methodAddGroup (Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionAddGroup(Int32, Single, Int32).)
Public methodClear (Overrides cForcingFunctionClear.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetID (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodInit(Int32) (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected methodInit(Single)
(Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public methodIsLockedUpdates (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected methodLoad
Initialize the propeties from the underlying EcoSim data structures at the existing array index (iEcoSimIndex)
(Inherited from cMediationBaseFunction.)
Public methodLockUpdates (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveGroup(Int32)
Public methodRemoveGroup(cLandingsMediatingGroup)
Public methodReshape (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public methodSetValue (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public methodToCSVString (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlockUpdates (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Public methodUpdate
Update the underlying EcoSim data structures
(Overrides cMediationBaseFunctionUpdate.)
Public eventOnChanged (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected fieldm_bInInit (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_bLockUpdates (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_coreComponent (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected fieldm_data (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_datatype (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected fieldm_iDBID (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected fieldm_iEcoSimIndex (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Protected fieldm_iIndex (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_iMedXBase (Inherited from cMediationBaseFunction.)
Protected fieldm_manager (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_medData (Inherited from cMediationBaseFunction.)
Protected fieldm_nYears (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_params (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_ShapeFunctionType (Inherited from cForcingFunction.)
Protected fieldm_timeresolution (Inherited from cShapeData.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also