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cEcospaceDataStructures Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:EwECore.cEcospaceDataStructures"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cEcospaceDataStructures

The cEcospaceDataStructures type exposes the following members.

Public methodcEcospaceDataStructures
Initializes a new instance of the cEcospaceDataStructures class
Public propertygetLayerIDs
Obtain a layer DBID for any varname and index.
Public propertyisAdvectionActive
Returns whether any group is Advected
Public propertyisCapacityChanged
Have any of the capacity input layers changed
Public propertyisEcosimBiomassForcingLoaded
Returns whether any group is forced through biomass timeseries in Ecosim.
Public propertyisEcosimDiscardForcingLoaded
Returns whether any group is forced through discards timeseries in Ecosim.
Public propertynCellsInRegion
Public propertyNGroups
Number of Base Groups (Ecopath)
Public propertynTimeSteps
Public propertynTimeStepsPerYear
Number of Ecospace time steps per year at the current time step
Public propertyTotalTime
Public methodAverageSpatialResults
Average the results values over number of water cells
Public methodClear
Public methodDefaultBasemapDimensions
Set the Map to its default size
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodgetLayerID
Return the unique database ID for any Ecospace map layer.
Public methodgetSumBiom
Get Biomass for summary periods
Public methodgetSumBiomByRegion
Get sum of Biomass by Region Group for the Start and End summary period
Public methodgetSumCatchFleet
Get Catch by Fleet for summary periods
Public methodgetSumCatchFleetGroup
Get Catch by Fleet Group for summary periods
Public methodgetSumCatchRegionGearGroup
Get Catch by REgion, Fleet, Group for summary periods
Public methodgetSumCostFleet
Get Cost by Fleet for summary periods
Public methodgetSumEffortES
Get Value by Fleet for summary periods
Public methodgetSumValueFleet
Get Value by Fleet for summary periods
Public methodgetSumValueFleetGroup
Get Value by Fleet Group for summary periods
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPopulateFleetCells
Populate FleetSailCells with a list of map cells in Sail that are less than EffortDistThreshold
Public methodRedimConSimVars
Public methodReDimEffortZones
Dimensions and sets the number of Effort Zones
Public methodReDimFleets
Public methodredimForReferenceData
Ecospace spatial reference data not used but left in place for legacy reasons
Public methodRedimGroups
Public methodRedimHabitatVariables
Re-dimension the habitat variables
Public methodReDimMapDims
Public methodReDimMapVars
Public methodRedimMigratoryVariables
Redim variables for migratory preferences
Public methodRedimMPAVariables
Redim variables for MPAs
Public methodredimTimeStepResults
Redim the data that saves the Ecospace results over time
Public methodrestoreBaseRelPP
Restore RelPP map from the RelPP0 temporary array.
Public methodsetBaseRelPP
Preserve RelPP map in the RelPP0 temporary array.
Public methodsetDebugCapMaps
Hardwire some Capacity map values
Public methodSetDefaults
Set default values and dimemsion basic arrays
Public methodsetDefaultSummaryPeriod
Public methodSetDefaultThreads
Public methodsetHabCapGroupIsChanged
Set the isGroupHabCapChanged() flag to True or False for all the groups
Public methodsetNWaterCells
Count the number of water cells and sets public property nWaterCells
Public methodSummarizeResultsByFleet
Public methodStatic memberToCellLength
Public methodStatic memberToCellSize
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldAdjustSpace
Public fieldAdvectSpeed
Public fieldAMmTr
Public fieldAspace
Public fieldAssumeSquareCells
Get/set whether Ecospace will use square cells, e.g. will bypass cell width corrections.
Public fieldbarrierAvoidanceWeight

This determines how much weight is put into the pathfinding movement algorithm for migratory species. If fish are getting caught in complex habitat, increasing this value will help the fish get "un-stuck".

Possible values [0-1]

Increasing this will increase the concentration of the fish, so the regular NS/EW concentrations should be lowered to keep the concentration the same.

Public fieldBasebiomass
Public fieldBaseCatch
Public fieldBaseConsump
Public fieldBaseFishMort
Public fieldBasePredMort
Public fieldBBase
Ecospace base biomass gathered at the end of the first timestep after any spinup period.
Public fieldbCalTrophicLevel
Calculate the TrophicLevel map in Ecospace. True Ecospace will populate the TrophicLevel map in cEcospaceDataStructures.TL.
Public fieldBcell
Biomass by cell (row, col, group)
Public fieldbENA
Public fieldbInSpinUp
Are we in a Spin-Up period
Public fieldBlast
Public fieldBnew
Public fieldBRatio
Ratio of habitat area to total habitat capacity
Public fieldbUseEffortDistThreshold
Boolean flag is fishing effort restricted to cells with a Sail() of less than EffortDistThreshold
Public fieldbUseLocalMemory
Public fieldByPassIntegrate
Public fieldCapCalType
Capacity calculation type per group
Public fieldCapMapFunctions
Public fieldCapMaps
Public fieldCatchFleetMap
Catch by Row, Col, Fleet.
Public fieldCatchMap
Catch by Row, Col, Group.
Public fieldCcell
Contaminant by cell (row, col, group)
Public fieldCellLength
Length in KM of a cell, used for dispersal etc.
Public fieldClast
Public fieldCurrentForce
Public fielddctENACells
ESRI projection string of the default WGS_84 projection of Ecospace.
Public fieldDepth
Actual depth map as used by Ecospace, computed from DepthInput and Excluded.
Public fieldDepthA
Public fieldDepthInput
User-entered depth map
Public fieldDepthX
Public fieldDepthY
Public fieldder
Public fieldDiscardsMap
Discards (all? mortality?) by Row, Col, Group.
Public fieldEcoPathData
Public fieldEcopathFleetDBID
Array of mappings to ecopath fleet database IDs.
Public fieldEcopathGroupDBID
Array of mappings to ecopath group database IDs.
Public fieldEcoseedOn
Public fieldEcosimScenarioDBID
Public fieldEcospaceAreaOutputDir
User defined output directory for Ecospace Area Averaged outputs
Public fieldEcospaceMapOutputDir
User defined output directory for Ecospace output Maps
Public fieldEffortDistThreshold
Threshold value in the Sail(fleet,row,col) [sailing cost map] for a cells inclusion in effort distribution.
Public fieldEffortSpace
Fishing Mortality (catchrate) by a fleet for each cell fleet,row,col
Public fieldEffPower
Public fieldEffZones
Index of the Effort Zone a cell is in by Row Col
Public fieldEnvironmentalLayerDBID
Environmental layer database IDS
Public fieldEnvironmentalLayerDescription
Environmental layer descriptions
Public fieldEnvironmentalLayerMap
Environmental layer data (layer)(row, col)
Public fieldEnvironmentalLayerName
Environmental layer names
Public fieldEnvironmentalLayerUnits
Environmental layer units
Public fieldExcluded
Is a cell included in modeling by Row, Col.
Public fieldFirstOutputTimeStep
First model time step to being writing Ecospace output files
Public fieldFitnessResp
Inverse of emigration response to fitness
Public fieldFleetDBID
Array of ecospace Fleet database IDs.
Public fieldFleetSailCells
List of map cells that have a value in the Sail(,,)array less than EffortDistThreshold
Public fieldflow
Public fieldFtot
Total fishing mortality by group,row,col
Public fieldFtr
Public fieldGearHab
Does this Fishing fleet use this habitat type
Public fieldGroupDBID
Array of ecospace group database IDs.
Public fieldGroupDetritus
Detritus by Row, Col, group
Public fieldHabArea
Total number of habitat cells by habitat type
Public fieldHabAreaProportion
Proportion of total area used by a habitat type
Public fieldHabCap
Habitat Capacity by Row,Col,Group
Public fieldHabCapInput
User defined input habitat capacity.
Public fieldHabitatDBID
Array of ecospace habitat database IDs.
Public fieldHabitatText
Descriptive text of habitat type (name)
Public fieldhasCapInitialized
The Capacity model has a "one time" initialization of MaxHabCap value used for normalization of inputs. This Flag gets set to True once MaxHabCap() has been set
Public fieldiEndRow
Public fieldIFDPower
Public fieldIFDweight
Public fieldImportanceLayerDBID
Public fieldImportanceLayerDescription
Public fieldImportanceLayerMap
Importance layer data (layer)(row, col)
Public fieldImportanceLayerName
Public fieldImportanceLayerWeight
Public fieldInCol
Number of rows in the current base map
Public fieldInMigAreaMovement
Weighting for directed movement within a migratory area (groups)
Public fieldInRow
Number of rows in the current base map
Public fieldintegratedGroups
Public fieldIsAdvected
Public fieldIsEcosimBioForcingGroup
Is the Ecosim biomass time series forcing enabled for this group
Public fieldIsEcosimDiscardForcingGroup
Public fieldIsFishRateSet
Public fieldisGroupHabCapChanged
Public fieldIsMigratory
IsMigratory flag, per group.
Public fieldIsSpShown
Public fieldiStartRow
Public fieldiTotalWaterCells
Public fieldItoUse
Nearest suitable map row (iPacket) for an IBM Packet by nStanzaGroups(nSplit), MaxStanzas, row, col
Public fieldiWaterCellIndex
Public fieldjEndCol
Public fieldjord
Public fieldjStartCol
Public fieldJtoUse
Nearest suitable map col (jPacket) for an IBM Packet by nStanzaGroups(nSplit), MaxStanzas, row, col
Public fieldjWaterCellIndex
Public fieldKemptonsQ
Kemptons Q by Row, Col.
Public fieldKmovefit
Public fieldLandings
Sum of landings across all cells by Group/Fleet for the current timestep
Public fieldLat1
Latitude of upper left coordinate of the current basemap.
Public fieldLinkCellWidthAndSize
Bad-ass flag, stating whether cell length can be computed from cell size and vice-versa. This should really be properly determined from proper projections
Public fieldLon1
Longitude of upper left coordinate of the current basemap.
Public fieldlstRegions
Public fieldM0Mult
Other mortality multiplier by Row,Col,Group
Public fieldM0MultInput
User-defined other mortality multiplier.
Public fieldMaxHabCap
max capacity by group
Public fieldmaxIter
Maximum number of iterations that solvegrid will use to find the implicit solution for the next timestep
Public fieldMigMaps
Monthly Migration maps stored in a ragged array Dimensioned by (group,month)(row,col)
Public fieldMonthlyUpWell
Public fieldMonthlyXvel
Public fieldMonthlyYvel
Public fieldMonthNow
Current month that is being executed.
Public fieldMovePacketsAtStanzaEntry
Public fieldMoveScale
Public fieldMPA
MPA layout, dimensioned as mpa x (row, col)
Public fieldMPABiomass
Public fieldMPADBID
Array of ecospace MPA database IDs.
Public fieldMPAfishery
MPA enforcement (fleet x MPA), true if an MPA is open to fishing for a given fleet
Public fieldMPAmonth
MPA monthly open/closed state (Month x MPA), true when open for fishing.
Public fieldMPAname
Public fieldMPAno
Number of MPAs
Public fieldMPred
Predation rate by Row, Col, Prey/Pred link
Public fieldMrate
Movement rate?!
Public fieldMvel
Base dispersal rate as entered by the user
Public fieldnEffortDistThreads
Number of effort distribution threads
Public fieldnEffZones
Number of fishing effort zones (LME's, EEZ...)
Public fieldnEnvironmentalDriverLayers
Number of environmental layers
Public fieldNewMultiStanza
Public fieldnFleets
Number of Fishing Fleets
Public fieldnGridSolverThreads
Number of threads to use for the grid solvers
Public fieldnIBMGroupsPerThread
Public fieldnIBMPacketsPerThread
Public fieldnImportanceLayers
Number of Importance layers
Public fieldnLiving
Public fieldNoHabitats
Number of Habitat types defined by the user
Public fieldnRegions
Public fieldnSpaceSolverThreads
Number of threads to run the groups biomass calculations on
Public fieldNumStep
Number of time steps for averaging summary window data
Public fieldNvarsplit
Total number of stanza groups
Public fieldnvartot
total number of all groups
Public fieldnWaterCells
Total number of cells that have water
Public fieldPAreaFished
The proportion of map cell that is fished by a fleet.
Public fieldPHabType
The proportion of habitat type in a map cell.
Public fieldPort
Public fieldPPScale
Primary Production Scaler average value of relPP(row,col) for all water cells
Public fieldPPupWell
Public fieldPredCell
Public fieldPredictEffort
Predict fishing effort via the Gravity attraction model
Public fieldPrefHab
The proportion to which a group prefers a habitat.
Public fieldPropEffortFleetZone
Proportion of relative fishing effort for a fleet in an zone(LME,Region....) by nFleets, nEffZones
Public fieldRegion
Public fieldRegionDBID
Array of ecospace region database IDs.
Public fieldRelCin
Public fieldRelMoveBad
Public fieldRelPP
Public fieldRelPP0
Base value for relative PP (relative PP at t=0). Set after PP has been read from the database.
Public fieldRelVulBad
Public fieldResultsByFleet
Public fieldResultsByFleetGroup
ResultsByFleetGroup(nvars, nFleets, nGroups, nTimesteps)
Public fieldResultsByGroup
Summarized time step data
Public fieldResultsCatchRegionGearGroup
ResultsCatchRegionGearGroup( nRegions, nFleets, nGroups, nTimesteps)
Public fieldResultsCatchRegionGearGroupYear
ResultsCatchRegionGearGroup( nRegions, nFleets, nGroups, nYears)
Public fieldResultsRegionGroup
ResultsRegionGroup(nRegions, nGroups, nTimesteps)
Public fieldResultsRegionGroupYear
ResultsRegionGroup(nRegions, nGroups, nYears)
Public fieldResultsSummaryByFleet
Public fieldSail
Sailing cost (fleet x row x col)
Public fieldSailScale
Average value in the Sail(fleet,row,col) map for all water cells.
Public fieldSaveAnnual
Public fieldSaveASC
Public fieldSaveCSV
Public fieldSEmult
Sailing Effort Multiplier by Fleet
Public fieldShannonDiversity
ShannonDiversity by Row, Col.
Public fieldSpaceBiomassByRegion
Public fieldSpaceBiomassByRegionCount
Public fieldSpaceCatchByRegion
Public fieldSpaceCatchByRegionCount
Public fieldSpaceEffortByRegionFleet
Public fieldSpaceEffortByRegionFleetCount
Public fieldSpaceTime
Public fieldSpDat
Public fieldSpDatYear
Public fieldSpForceBB
Public fieldSpForceCatch
Public fieldSpForceZ
Public fieldSpinUpBBase
Ecospace base biomass before the Spin-Up period. Gathered at the end of the first timestep.
Public fieldSpinUpYears
Number of years to run the Spin-Up for
Public fieldSpName
Public fieldSpPool
Public fieldSpRegion
Public fieldSpType
Public fieldSpVal
Public fieldSpWt
Public fieldSpYear
Public fieldSS
Sum of Squares fit to reference data
Public fieldStanzaGroups
Public fieldSumStart
Start time of the first and second summary data period. In Years
Public fieldThabArea
Total number of habitat area cells Any cell with a depth > 0 of any habitat type
Public fieldTimeNow
Current model time step in years. Incremented by TimeStep at the end of the timestep.
Public fieldTimeStep
Length of the time step in years
Public fieldTL
Trophic Level by Row, Col, Group.
Public fieldTLc
Trophic Level of the catch by Row, Col.
Public fieldTol
Iteration tolerance for solvegrid.
Public fieldtotalIntegratedGroups
Public fieldTotEffort
Sum of Effort modified by proportion of area fished in a cell.
Public fieldTotHabCap
Sum of Capacity across the map cells by group
Public fieldUpVel
Public fieldUseCoreOutputDir
Use the Ecospace Output directory defined by the core. If True this path will include Model-name/Ecopath_6. Scenario-name/ If False just the core output directory.
Public fieldUseEcosimBiomassForcing
Public fieldUseEcosimDiscardForcing
Public fieldUseExact
Public fieldUseIBM
Public fieldUseSpinUp
Use a "Spin-Up" period for Ecospace
Public fieldUseSpinUpBase
Public fieldUseSpinUpPlot
Public fieldVspace
Public fieldW
SOR weight
Public fieldWidth
Public fieldXv
Wind X velocity (i x j x month)
Public fieldXvel
Public fieldXvloc
Public fieldYearNow
Current year that is being executed.
Public fieldYv
Wind Y velocity (i x j x month)
Public fieldYvel
Public fieldYvloc
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also