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IShapeFunction Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:EwEUtils.Core.IShapeFunction"]

Namespace:  EwEUtils.Core
Assembly:  EwEUtils (in EwEUtils.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public interface IShapeFunction

The IShapeFunction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsDistribution
Returns whether the shape function is a true distribution, with fixed min and max values.
Public propertynParameters
Get the number of parameters needed to configure a shape function.
Public propertyParamName
Get the human legible name of a parameter of a shape function.
Public propertyParamStatus
Get the order a parameter needs to appear in the UI. Any UI should honour this flag sorting parameters from low to high order.
Public propertyParamUnit
Get the human legible unit for a parameter of a shape function.
Public propertyParamValue
Get/set the value of a parameter of the shape function.
Public propertyShapeFunctionType
Return a (hopefully) unique identifier for a particular shape function, regardless if this function is built-in to EwE or is provided by a plug-in.
Public methodApply
Update a shape from the shape function.
Public methodDefaults
Set a shape function parameters to their default values.
Public methodInit
Initialize to a given shape.
Public methodIsCompatible
Return whether a shape function is relevant for a given data type.
Public methodShape
Returns the actual function data points, as computed from the parameters values.
See Also