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cEcoSpace Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:EwECore.cEcoSpace"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cEcoSpace : cThreadWaitBase

The cEcoSpace type exposes the following members.

Public methodcEcoSpace
Initializes a new instance of the cEcoSpace class
Public propertyAdvectionManager
Public propertyContaiminantTracerData
Public propertyEcoPathData
Ecopath data used for initial state
Public propertyEcoSim
Public propertyEcoSimData
Ecosim data used for initial state
Public propertyEcoSpaceData
Public propertyisPaused
Public propertyIsRunning (Inherited from cThreadWaitBase.)
Public propertyMessagePump (Inherited from cThreadWaitBase.)
Public propertyMessages
Exposes the MessagePublisher instance so that the core can add message handlers
Public propertyMPAOptimization
Public propertyPluginManager
Public propertyRunCompletedDelegate
Public propertySearchData
Public propertySpatialData
Public propertyStanzaData
Public propertyTimeSeriesData
Public propertyTimeSeriesManager
Public propertyTimeStepDelegate
Public methodAdjustSpaceParsNew
Public methodAdjustTotalEffort
This is a modified version of PredictEffortDistribution, to be called only once at around simulation month 2 or 3; it resets totaleffort(gear) so as to avoid overfishing (relative to ecopath base) on concentrated species modifications to PredictEffortDistribution are ahown as '***
Public methodCalcHabitatArea
Public methodCalculateCostOfSailing
Public methodCalculateSpaceSS
Public methodClear
Public methodClearPorts
Public methodderivtRed
Local version of derivtRed() used by Ecospace during initialization ONLY
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetHabCapsLessThen
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHabIsOk
Public methodInitPackets
Initialize numbers, weights, and positions ipacket,jpacket for IBM representation note must be called in findspatialequilibrium after calls to initialize ecospace variables
Public methodinitSpatialEquilibrium
Public methodInitToDefaults
Initialize base varaibles with the default values
Public methodLoad
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodnormalizePropHabType
Normalize the proportion of habitat type in a cell that exceed 100% PHabType(ir,ic,ihab).
Public methodPredictEffortDistributionThreaded
Public methodPredictEffortDistributionThreadedLoadShared
Threaded and Load Shared Version This routine predicts spatial effort and fishing mortality rate distribution by gear type; called at each iteration step in finding biomass spatial equilibrium model below is a gravity attraction model, distributing total efforts TotEffort(gear) over all cells where each gear can fish in proportion to relative profitability (catch rate x price sum) for that cell for the gear
Public methodRedimSpaceCSVvariables
Public methodReleaseWait (Inherited from cThreadWaitBase.)
Public methodRelHabMove
Public methodRelMigMove
Public methodRelMove
Returns the relative movement from bad habitat multiplier based on preferred habitat and percentage of habitat type in the cell. Preferred habitatPercentage of habitat type in a cell
Public methodRun
Run Ecospace synchronously. cEcoSpace.Run() will not return until the Ecospace run has completed.
Public methodRunThreaded
Run EcoSpace on a seperate thread from the calling routine. This will return before the EcoSpace run has completed.
Public methodScaleRelativePrimaryProductivityToEcopathLevel
Returns a scaling factor to ensure that the total primary productivity is the same in Ecospace and Ecopath.
Public methodScaleSailingCost
Scaling Sailing cost
Public methodSetAllCoastsToPorts
Public methodsetBaseValues
Public methodSetBoundaryDepths
Public methodSetHabCap
Set capacity maps from all input sources Habitats, habitat preference, habitat proportion in cell, Input Capacity Maps and enviromental response functions.
Public methodsetIsFished
Evaluate the fishing access map for the current month.
Public methodSetMovementParameters
Public methodSetMovementParameters_NoOffset
Public methodSetNearestOKcellforIBM
Finds nearest suitable cell for IBM packets entering a stanza in a cell not suitable for that stanza
Public methodSetOtherMort
Public methodSetWait (Inherited from cThreadWaitBase.)
Public methodSetXYBoundaryDepths
Public methodSolveGrid
Public methodSolveGridRow
Public methodsolvetime
solvetime() is not called at this time. It has been left in for reference
Public methodSpaceSplitUpdate
updates numbers, weight, and biomass for multiple stanza species using information on average performance (eatenby, loss) over ecospace grid cells used by the species
Public methodStopRun (Overrides cThreadWaitBaseStopRun(Int32).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateMaps
Update the capacity map based on the datatype
Public methodVaryMigMovementParameters
Public methodWait (Inherited from cThreadWaitBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also