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cF2TSManager Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:EwECore.cF2TSManager"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  EwECore
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public class cF2TSManager : cCoreInputOutputBase, 
	ISearchObjective, IThreadedProcess

The cF2TSManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnomalySearch
Public propertyAnomalySearchShapeNumber
Public propertyCatchAnomaly
Public propertyCoreComponent
Get the core component type that this object belongs to. Component types are useful for determining the level of impact that objects have on the EwE computing model.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDataType
Get the data type uniquely identifying the type of core data that this class implements.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDBID
Returns the persistent unique database ID for an ICoreInputOutput.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyDisposed (Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyFirstYear
Public propertyFleetObjectives
Public propertyGroupObjectives
Public propertyHasRunSens
Get whether a sensitivity search has been ran.
Public propertyIndex
Get/set the one-based index of a cCoreInputOutputBase instance in the list that it is contained in.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyIsRunning
States whether a F2TS model is running.
Public propertyLastYear
Public propertyMessagePump
Public propertyNAICDataPoints
Number of data points for the AIC indicator
Public propertyName
Get/set the name of a core object. Every ICoreInterface derived instance in EwE6 has a name.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertynBlockCodes
Get/set the number of blocks to search for.
Public propertynTimeSeriesYears
Public propertyNumSplinePoints
Public propertyObjectiveParameters
Public propertyPPVariance
Public propertyRemark
Get/set a remark.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyTotalTime
Public propertyUnits (Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyUseDefaultV
Public propertyValidationStatus
Get the outcome of the most recently performed variable validation attempt on a cCoreInutOutputBase instance.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyValueDescriptor
Returns the Value descriptor for a given variable name, associated with this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public propertyValueWeights
Public propertyVulnerabilityBlocks
Get/set the vulnerability block to use for pred,prey
Public propertyVulnerabilitySearch
Public propertyVulnerabilityVariance
Public methodCanRun
States whether F2TS models can run.
Public methodClear (Overrides cCoreInputOutputBaseClear.)
Public methodConnect
Public methodDisconnect
Public methodDisconnect(RunStartedDelegate, RunStepDelegate, RunStoppedDelegate, RunModelDelegate) Obsolete.
Public methodDispose
Destroy an instance.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodgetAIC
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetID
Returns the unique ID for this object as a text string.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetRunType
Returns the type of run the current F2TS model is performing.
Public methodGetStatus
Returns the status of a variable in this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVariable
Return the value of a variable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodGetVariableMetadata
Return metadata associated with a variable. If the local instance does not have metadata associated the central metadata repository is consulted.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected methodInit
Public methodisPredPrey
States whether there is a link between a given predator and prey.
Public methodLoad
Loads local values in the manager from the underlying data structures.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReleaseWait
Public methodResults
Returns the most recent received results.
Public methodRunSearch
Public methodRunSensitivitySS2VByPredator
Run the sensitivity to vulnerabilities search by predator.
Public methodRunSensitivitySS2VByPredPrey
Public methodSaveToCSV
Save blocks to CSV
Public methodsetDefaultAICNData
Compute the default value for nAICData number of AIC data points
Public methodsetNBlocksFromSensitivity
Protected methodSetStatus
Replaces current status flags for a given variable with a new set of status flags.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodSetVariable
Set the value of a variable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Public methodSetWait
Public methodStopRun
Stops a running F2TS model
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdate
Stores the values in the manager back to the underlying data structures.
Public methodWait
Block the calling thread until the model has finished running
Protected fieldm_bReadOnly
States whether an object will allow its values to be modified via SetVariable.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_bValidate
States whether Variable validation is enabled for this object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_core
Reference to the EwE Core that exposes the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_coreComponent
The EwE core component that this object belongs to
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_dataType
Container for the data type describing the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Protected fieldm_ValidationStatus
Container for the Validation status of the object.
(Inherited from cCoreInputOutputBase.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodValue
Extension method; extract a value from an object by property name.
(Defined by Extensions.)
See Also