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IEwEDataSource Interface

Base interface for all EwE data access.

Namespace:  EwECore.DataSources
Assembly:  EwECore (in EwECore.dll) Version: 6.6.15981.0 (6.6.15981.0)
public interface IEwEDataSource : IDisposable

The IEwEDataSource type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConnection
Get the connection to the data (file, database, stream, other?) that this data source operates on.
Public methodBeginTransaction
Start a database transaction.
Public methodCanCompact
States whether the data source is able to compact.
Public methodClearChanged
Clears any modified flags (use with care!)
Public methodClose
Close the data source connection
Public methodCompact
Compact a database.
Public methodCreate
Create the data source connection, possibly overwriting an existing data source
Public methodDirectory
Get the directory associated with a data source.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodEndTransaction
End a database transaction.
Public methodExtension
Get the file extension associated with a data source.
Public methodFileName
Get the file name associated with a data source.
Public methodIsModified
States whether the data source has unsaved changes.
Public methodIsOpen
States whether a data source is already open.
Public methodIsOSSupported
States whether the operating system supports a given type of EwE data source.
Public methodIsReadOnly
States whether the data source can be edited.
Public methodOpen
Open an existing data source connection
Public methodSetChanged
Flag a core object as changed in the data source. The data source will consult this information when performing incremental saves.
Public methodToString
Get the name of the connection to the data (file, database, stream, other?) that this data source operates on.
Public methodVersion
Returns the version of the data source.

All data access must be implemented through this interface.

New Data Sources can be added by inheriting from this interface.

See Also