WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Management Strategy Evaluator = User notes (alpha ver.

Video Tutorial

A video tutorial has been created to demo the alpha version of the MSE. This video can be found ?here.

How to run the MSE

Set Quotas

The MSE is capable of setting quotas by two methods. Target fishing mortality rates and Fixed escapement. Target fishing mortalities are set via the Input regulatory > Target fishing mortality dialogue then setting biomass limit, biomass base and F max. values for individual groups. Fixed escapement values are set via the Input regulatory > Fixed escapement dialogue. If fixed escapement is provided the yearly quotas will be calculated as the biomass greater than the fixed escapement. Otherwise quotas will be calculated from the target fishing mortality rates.

Set regulatory option

How quotas are implemented is set via the Input regulatory > Regulatory options dialogue. Four options are provided

  1. Not Used. No quota regulation will be imposed on this fleet. 
  1. Weakest stock + discards quota. If catch on any group exceeds its quota then effort will be limited at that level. 
  2. Strongest stock. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort will be limited. Catch in excess of quota is discarded and will have a discard mortality set via Input data > Fishery > Discard mortality rate
  3. Selective fishing quota. If catch of the group with the maximum effort exceeds its quota then effort is limited. Catch in excess of quota will not be included in the fishing mortality and will be assumed to have a 100% discard survival rate.

Run the MSE

The MSE is capable of running in three different modes.

  1. Ecosim effort use regulatory options. Uses fishing effort from the currently loaded Ecosim scenario then regulates effort according to the regulatory options selected. This option will only reduce the effort if catches exceed the quota. You may need to increase the Ecosim effort to see any effect of this option. Also if catches go to zero this option will keep effort at the Ecosim input levels. It will never reduce the effort because there was no catch.
  1. Predict effort use regulatory options. Fishing effort will be predicted based on the parameters set in the Fleet size dynamics form then fishing effort will be regulated according to the regulatory options selected.
  2. Evaluating the currently load Ecosim scenario. No attempt is made to regulate the fishery this mode is used to evaluate the current Ecosim scenario.

