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Management Strategy Evaluation = User notes (beta ver. 6.3.8141.0)


MSE Options form.

Control Options:

The MSE module can be used to evaluate a set of regulatory rules i.e. Target fishing mortality, Fixed F, Escapement or TAC via input (fishing effort) or output (quota, fishing mortality) controls or evaluate the currently loaded Ecosim scenario.


Target fishing mortality

MSE Target fishing mortality form.

Target Fishing Mortality parameters are set to default values the first time a model is loaded. Biomass limit = 10% of Ecopath biomass, Biomass base = 40% of Ecopath biomass and F. max = fishing mortality rates calculated from the Ecopath inputs.

Fixed F, escapement, TAC

MSE Fixed F, escapement, TAC form.


Sets inputs use for the perturbation of variables.

Reference levels

Sets reference levels lines that appear on plots and as percentage values above and below reference in the MSE Results grid.


Run MSE:

Run the MSE model using the current Options, Regulatory rules and Assessment parameters

MSE Target fishing mortality form.

MSE plots: View output plots from the last MSE run.