== 3.20 Modelling effort dynamics == Ecosim users can specify temporal changes in fishing fleet sizes and fishing effort in three ways: 1. By sketching temporal patterns of effort in the model run interface; 1. By entering annual patterns via reference csv files along with historical ecological response data; and 1. By treating dynamics of fleet sizes and resulting fishing effort as unregulated and subject to fisher investment and operating decisions ("bionomic" dynamics, fishers as dynamic predators). To facilitate exploration of alternative harvest regulation policies, the Ecosim default options are (1) or (2). However, users can invoke the fleet/effort dynamics model by checking the box on the [EwEugEcosimParameters Ecosim parameters] form. Input parameters must be set on the [EwEugFleetSizeDynamics Fleet size dynamics] form. When the fleet/effort response option is invoked, using the checkbox on the Ecosim [EwEugRunEcosim Run Ecosim] form, Ecosim erases all previously entered time patterns for fishing efforts and fishing rates, and replaces these with simulated values generated as each simulation proceeds. The fleet/effort dynamics simulation model uses the idea that there are two time scales of fisher response: 1) A short time response of fishing effort to potential income from fishing, within the constraints imposed by current fleet size, and 2) A longer time investment/depreciation 'population dynamics' for capital capacity to fish (fleet size, vessel characteristics). These response scales are represented in Ecosim by two 'state variables' for each gear type ''g''. '''Fast time response model''' Eg,t is the current amount of active, searching gear (scaled to 1.0 at the Ecopath base fishing mortality rates), and Kg,t is the fleet effort capacity (Eg,t