= 7 Using Ecopath. Part 2: Parameterization and outputs = Once you have entered the input parameters for your model you can parameterize (balance) the model (see [wiki:EwEugNotesOnParameterizingAnEcopathModel Notes on parameterizing an Ecopath model] and [wiki:EwEugBalancingaModel Balancing a model] in this chapter). This chapter also contains the information on Ecopath's outputs ([wiki:EwEugBasicEstimates Basic estimates]; [wiki:EwEugKeyIndices Key indices]; [wiki:EwEugMortalities Mortalities]; [wiki:EwEugMortalityCoefficients Mortality coefficients]; [wiki:EwEugPredationMortality Predation mortality]; [wiki:EwEugConsumptionEcopath Consumption]; [wiki:EwEugRespiration Respiration]; [wiki:EwEugNicheOverlap Niche overlap]; [wiki:EwEugElectivity Electivity]; [wiki:EwEugSearchRates Search rates]; [wiki:EwEugFisheryEcopath Fishery]; [wiki:EwEugFlowDiagram Flow diagram]; and the [wiki:EwEugEweNetworkAnalysisPlugin EwE Network Analysis plugin])