= Best practices when coding EwE6 = This page attempts to convey some of the oddities and nasties that we have ran into over the years when building EwE6. == Target processor == To date, Microsoft has not updated its Access drivers, the core drivers that EwE6 needs to use its database, to 64-bit. EwE6 and ANY EWE6 PLUG-IN must be compiled at ANY TIME for 32 bit processors. Set all applications to build for x86 processors via: Menu > Build > Configuration Manager > x86 (new if not listed). See [https://sources.ecopath.org:8443/trac/Ecopath/attachment/wiki/ScientficInterfaceKnownCompileErrorsFaq/Configuration%20Manager%20x86.png image]. == Nasty experiences == * Issue [http://sources.ecopath.org/trac/Ecopath/report/702 #702]: always override Dispose(bDisposing) to clean up controls, do not (smartly) use OnHandleDestroyed.