{1} Active Tickets (107 matches)

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  • Color each row based on priority.

Results (101 - 107 of 107)

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Ticket Summary Component Milestone Severity Owner Created
#1283 BA input is incorrectly ignored in calculating Ecosim rates Ecosim NOT SET major joeb 2013-09-30
#1307 possible Monte Carlo bug Monte Carlo NOT SET NOT SET joeb 2013-11-30
#1328 Add detailed breakdown of exports Ecopath NOT SET feature 2014-03-31
#1348 Possible bug in Omnivory Index Ecopath NOT SET minor 2014-06-20
#1533 Monte Carlo BA preturbation does not perturb BA rate Monte Carlo NOT SET NOT SET joeb 2017-06-06
#1550 Change v's over time NOT SET NOT SET NOT SET 2017-12-09
#1551 Multiple contaminants in Ecotracer Contaminant tracing NOT SET feature 2018-01-04
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