{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (1101 - 1200 of 1539)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1140 closed Name label misleading in apply egg production grid
#1141 closed Seasonal shape sketchpads are missing month labels
#1142 closed Ecospace map edit operation my look confusing
#1143 closed Import wizard does not show content
#1144 closed Error when modifying TS target in Time Series grid
#1146 closed Issue report and EwE about box should state OS version, NET version
#1147 closed Cannot find fishing policy run button
#1148 closed Ecosim CSV results differ from Network Analysis
#1149 closed Add 'All' option to Ecosim plots dropdown
#1150 closed Group plot layout does not fit screen
#1151 closed Remove obsolete time series prompt
#1152 closed Fit to Time Series iteration feedback needs spacing
#1153 closed Clearing cell in Value Chain throws an error
#1154 closed Ecosim plots do not properly reflect catches
#1155 closed Ecosim group plots do not show driving F time series
#1156 closed Flow Diagram settings changes are not immediately drawn
#1157 closed Network Analysis slow
#1158 closed Network Analysis spelling errors
#1159 closed Add filter by unit in Value Chain
#1160 closed Value Chain navigation jumps around
#1161 closed Add means to change the type of a unit in the value chain
#1162 closed Value Chain results grid totals do not match
#1163 closed Link groups and fleets when selecting 'visible items'
#1164 closed Vulnerabilities do not save
#1165 closed Cannot apply both FF and MedF to Ecosim
#1166 closed Checkbox cells in grids need to be connected as regular cells
#1167 closed Add option to invoke show groups / fleets plot for subsets
#1168 closed Options dialog crashes on invalid path characters
#1169 closed Database load process should abort when unable to make a rescue backup
#1170 closed Value Chain results by fleet do not add up
#1171 closed Database update 6.120001
#1172 closed Graph shows multiple legend entries for the same group when showing multiple runs
#1173 closed Add Ecosim tool to trim forcing functions
#1174 closed Shape grids show wrong time scales
#1175 closed Predator and prey order reversed in Ecosim plots
#1176 closed Add option view computed Ecosim years in Value Chain grid
#1177 closed Add option to save Value Chain results to CSV
#1178 closed Add stanza support to show/hide groups interface
#1179 closed Ecosim Stop button does not work
#1180 closed Ecosim Detritus Groups interface not highlighting correctly
#1182 closed Status panel expand click navigates to hyperlink
#1183 closed Deleting stanza life stage does not fix leading B, CB group
#1184 closed Provide visual clues to distinguish reference and driving time series
#1187 closed Delete group with loaded TS causes exceptions
#1188 closed Value Chain should not run with searches
#1189 closed Value chain payment calculations seem wrong
#1191 closed Ecosim "reset all" does not reset Fishing Mortality shapes
#1192 closed Ecospace layer output dialog needs tweaks
#1193 closed Driver layers not included in list of exportable / importable layers
#1194 closed Plug-ins should be connected to Help
#1195 closed Migration map editor may throw errors
#1196 closed Result Extractor annual biomass is monthly
#1197 closed Result Extractor should notify user of saved files
#1198 closed Result extractor must deal with conflicting versions of office
#1199 closed Result Extractor should be robust against inproper use
#1200 closed Result Extractor should become localizable
#1201 closed Add ability for plug-in manager to write to a log
#1202 closed Ecotracer output form throws exception
#1203 closed Double-click database launches EwE but does not load DB
#1204 closed Group selection not maintained while running tracer
#1205 closed Ecotracer group sorting does not work
#1206 closed The Ecospace port locations did not import correctly into Beta version.
#1207 closed Ecotracer auto-save not connected
#1208 closed EwE does not allow time series forcing of input rates (immig(i)) for detritus groups
#1209 closed Extracting Value Chain values
#1210 closed Connect plug-ins to the auto-save structure
#1211 closed ShowAllFits CSV file is malformed
#1212 closed MPA optimizations are not connected to Auto-save structure
#1213 closed MPA optimizations save file format is non-standard
#1216 closed Ecospace regions change
#1217 closed Cannot save Ecospace results per region
#1218 closed Ecospace scenario description remains blank
#1219 closed Ecospace crashes when reducing # of regions
#1220 closed Ecospace may crash when increasing number of regions
#1221 closed Port layer editor shows strange behaviour
#1222 closed MTI plot does not respond to display group options
#1223 closed Add result output of transfer efficiency
#1225 closed Non-living prey not exported in Ecosim outputs
#1226 closed Not all rel B time series shown
#1228 closed Ecosim plots 'save' sometimes throws an error
#1229 closed Ecospace Map/Layers Export map will not export to selected directory
#1230 closed Advection not working
#1231 closed Flow diagram interaction updates
#1232 closed Effort maps in Ecospace
#1233 closed EwE 6.3.8648.0 misses TL of community and Catch PPR in Ecosim Network Analysis
#1234 closed Problem in Respiration calculations with detritus export
#1235 closed Importance layers editing
#1236 closed Editing Ecospace layers should be accessible from the Ecospace map
#1237 closed Importance layers do not save well
#1238 closed Value Chain error on linking new producers
#1239 closed Cannot delete groups when assigned to a capacity map
#1240 closed EwE 6.3.8648.0 does not save the applied best fits from Monte Carlo Simulation
#1241 closed Make Ecospace use a mask layer rather than depth = 0
#1242 closed View single fleet in Run Ecospace
#1243 closed Plug-ins cannot enter items in the log file
#1244 closed Log verbose status is not preserved when EwE restarts
#1245 closed Unit settings sometimes not reloaded well
#1246 closed Time series import fails on empty lines
#1248 closed Show only better runs on MC plot
#1249 closed Retain biomasses option does not work
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.