{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (101 - 200 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Status Summary
#848 closed User feedback messages system only works when status panel is visible
#675 closed User edits to Efforts were lost when Timeseries was loaded.
#941 closed Use standard output path
#287 closed Update issue when clicking tabs (works for tree node)
#1105 closed Unloaded information may still be shown as 'selected'
#1274 closed Units for biomass/total throughput
#1245 closed Unit settings sometimes not reloaded well
#1411 closed Unexpected Biomass Accumulation with multiple detritus groups
#1095 closed Undocking time series form shows extra, unknown shapes
#702 closed Undocking and docking panels causes some controls to stop functioning
#1452 closed Unclear which components will run in Ecoplogical Indicators
#1051 closed Unclear error message when database drivers are not installed
#90 closed Unassim/ consumpt basic input shading/ locking cells.
#450 closed Unable to open model after save
#1271 closed URL display and handling in User Interface
#369 closed Typo on Edit Groups form
#217 closed Two missing options on Biomass form - Fleet dynamics and Network analysis
#811 closed Truely share all resources
#158 closed Tree Node cannot have same name as branch node
#909 closed Transfer Efficiency seems to differ between EwE5 an EwE6
#723 closed Tracer Exception when closing
#20 closed Tools Options menu - some features not working
#1613 closed Tool nav tree icon has no transparent background
#1508 closed Toggling graph legends may not show all items
#652 closed Timeseries weighting default=0 NOT 1
#591 closed Timeseries plotting on ecosim plots
#623 closed Timeseries datasets with forcing function data (eTimeSeriesType.TimeForcing) are not applied when timeseries dataset is loaded
#863 closed Timeseries appears to be loaded when switching Ecosim scenarios
#760 closed Time series values will delete if selected
#239 closed Time series save image needs labels
#243 closed Time series long term vs seasonal tab not updating properly
#493 closed Time series import should immediately Apply
#1246 closed Time series import fails on empty lines
#1581 closed Time series import does not accept empty cells for pool code 2
#1604 closed Time series fitting and blocking vulnerabilites
#241 closed Time series duplicate shape changes screen- and gives wrong date
#873 closed Time series does not unload when "None" data set is selected
#313 closed Time series data not ploting properly
#763 closed Time series confusion in EwE
#761 closed Time Series weighting in Fit to time series not working
#1079 closed Time Series weight only applies to reference series
#821 closed Time Series import does not provide error feedback on bogus clipboard data
#408 closed Time Series crash
#199 closed Time Series apply interface must support Datasets
#170 closed Time Series - Icon does not appear when you `right click>apply` on thumbnail
#237 closed There is no interface available to set/change the name of a model
#1284 closed The units for biomass/total throughput in Ecopath Statistics are wrong
#534 closed The time series data plot on the main Ecosim run plot incorrectly
#833 closed The interface has to be more intuitive on how to define groups, fleets, etc
#234 closed The horizontal scroll bar in Ecosim Parameter and Ecospace Parameter forms is not working properly
#314 closed The ecosim biomass graph redraws in response to a resize event even if it is not visible.
#252 closed The current design would not run the Network Analysis repeatedly
#125 closed The Navigation tree does not collapse when a new model is loaded
#500 closed The Flow diagram image can't be saved (Ecopath-Tools)
#1206 closed The Ecospace port locations did not import correctly into Beta version.
#1072 closed The "Set" box in vulnerabilities do not work
#1316 closed Text boxes do not reveal their actual data
#986 closed Taxonomy data does not entirely reload in certain circumstances
#1365 closed Taxon grid leaves names empty
#812 closed Taxon data should include phylum
#967 closed Taxon Exception when opening second model
#244 closed Tabbing in Edit-Multi Stanza form does not go in full circle
#248 closed Tabbing in Add time series form does not go in full circle
#228 closed Tabbing from the Set text box into the EwE grid is not being supported
#10 closed Tab pages goes back to start page when you peg a panel
#398 closed TS import dataset name not correct
#458 closed System font incompatibilities may crash EwE6
#1566 closed Synchronize plot items by predation too
#1270 closed Synchronize items on plots by landings and discards
#947 closed Switching to Basic Input
#631 closed Switching applied FF to producer crashes Fit to TS
#79 closed Summary time steps interface changes
#78 closed Summary time steps interface changes
#132 closed SumB=0 assertion indicates that default model creation is not working well
#1064 closed Sum of Squares value might be wrong in EwE 6.2
#879 closed Suitability plot tab cannot be undocked
#638 closed Suggestion: advection field
#608 closed Suggestion for network analysis under Ecosim runs
#746 closed Stubborn MPAs - Not deleted
#1525 closed Store all settings per diagram
#267 closed Stock recruitment plot 'S/R plot' will not draw
#1420 closed Stepwise fitting reset vulnerabilities prompt
#1626 closed Stepwise fitting is slow
#1421 closed Stepwise fitting eradicates all forcing
#1492 closed Stepwise fitting does not save vulnerabilities
#1419 closed Stepwise fitting does not properly restore start status
#1410 closed Stepwise fitting autosaving cannot be disabled from Tools > Autosave
#174 closed Status window gives Ecopath run successful message when model is not balanced
#105 closed Status panel sub-messages will flip warning icon to information icon when selected
#143 closed Status panel should provide detailed info on database import failures
#1182 closed Status panel expand click navigates to hyperlink
#497 closed Status colouring of variables not properly reset
#238 closed Status bar-cannot read last line automatically
#213 closed Status bar does not reflect new name of models `saved as`
#1516 closed Start panel not showing correctly
#1340 closed Start page keeps navigating to Ecopath start page
#1514 closed Start page does not show content properly
#583 closed Stanza vbK/VGBF not working properly
#1046 closed Stanza missing parameters message is malformed
#1073 closed Stanza grids may not group life stages together
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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