{12} Closed tickets (1539 matches)

Recently closed reports

Results (501 - 600 of 1539)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Status Summary
#1048 closed Monte Carlo not working for multi-stanza
#1142 closed Ecospace map edit operation my look confusing
#1141 closed Seasonal shape sketchpads are missing month labels
#1140 closed Name label misleading in apply egg production grid
#1139 closed Increasing ecospace map size creates input map artifact
#1131 closed Better reflect habitat area fractions
#1037 closed Importing basemaps into Ecospace fails
#1127 closed Ecospace results grid incorrect for the "End:" period
#1126 closed Ecospace results time steps does not always responded correctly.
#1129 closed Group SS shown in Run Ecosim is unclear
#1125 closed Monte Carlo option Load From Pedigree does not work
#1074 closed Model craches after creating groups in a new model
#1116 closed Cannot set values in the Fishing cost map
#1110 closed Monte Carlo seems to perturb values outside allowed limits
#1124 closed Edit layer data may cause layer image to be lost
#1122 closed Ecosim and Ecospace scenario dialogs not shown in Presentation Mode
#1121 closed MAP optimizations form may throw an exception when closed
#1098 closed No map zoom in MPA optimizations form
#1113 closed Flow diagram should not hide groups
#1112 closed Centrally manage which EwE components save outputs
#1109 closed Monte Carlo CV values of 0 result in strange upper limits
#1105 closed Unloaded information may still be shown as 'selected'
#1108 closed Monte Carlo CV value edits do not get applied anymore after a run
#1107 closed Ecosim is limited to 100 groups
#1106 closed Mixed trophic impact plot - circles plot needs to be inverted?
#1103 closed Separate leading B and leading QB
#1104 closed Ecospace warns for missing habitats even when capacity model does not use habitats
#1100 closed Add central option to control automatic result saving
#1099 closed Ecospace run graph saves confusing data to file
#1097 closed Cannot sketch seed cells in MPA optimizations form
#1096 closed Script errors on start panel
#1094 closed Ecosim allocates fishing mortality from fishing effort wrongly
#1095 closed Undocking time series form shows extra, unknown shapes
#921 closed Add means to open 'newer' databases in read-only mode
#1080 closed Ecospace groups on land
#1093 closed Grids do not support repeated paste
#1081 closed spam
#1082 closed spam
#1083 closed spam
#1092 closed Deleting group may cause model load error
#1090 closed Biomass curve in Normalized value / age plot is off in Edit Multi Stanza
#1085 closed Cannot create anonymous tickets
#1086 closed Website subscriptions do not work
#1079 closed Time Series weight only applies to reference series
#1072 closed The "Set" box in vulnerabilities do not work
#1071 closed It takes too long to clear a grid
#923 closed Add Ecosim price elasticity
#1010 closed Pedigree level changes do not stick
#1068 closed Add value ratio for links from producers
#1022 closed Cannot open model from a portable hard drive
#1069 closed Add value chain base year
#1067 closed Ecopath does not save catches for detritus groups
#1059 closed Cancelling a DB update will keep the database locked
#1053 closed Alterations to pedigree causes error
#1057 closed Saving Ecosim to CSV does not save Value
#1062 closed Value Chain saving takes too long
#1061 closed Allow multiple links between two units
#1060 closed Value Chain results grid should show thousands separators
#1055 closed Default names should not be 'unknown'
#1054 closed Show connected links when selecting a unit
#1052 closed Not clear which EwE version made last modifications
#1042 closed MTI graph grid size
#1043 closed Landings grid paste
#1044 closed Capacity shapes should be rescaled vertically via mouse
#1051 closed Unclear error message when database drivers are not installed
#1050 closed Enter press in Grid cells should advance to the next editable cell
#1049 closed Vulnerabilities search should only affect coloured blocks
#1046 closed Stanza missing parameters message is malformed
#1045 closed Graph tooltip flickers and eats up CPU time
#1016 closed Ecospace Save Scenario as... fails
#1030 closed Change shape form should show the name of the shape that is being edited
#1031 closed Mediation and Price Elasticity shape clip X axis to number of Ecosim year
#1029 closed Ecosim Forcing Function do not save data past 100 years
#1039 closed Save Ecosim to CSV should export only visible plots
#1033 closed Pedigree values do not copy correctly
#1036 closed Group plots not workingin Ecosim
#1041 closed Fleet statistics missing when editing all fleets effort
#1032 closed Mediation shape no longer seem to show the Ecopath baseline
#1027 closed Forcing functions should only show the number of Ecosim years
#1023 closed Multi-stanza age fixed in months, does not work for time unit of days
#1026 closed Depth layer editor not intuitive
#1025 closed MPA optimizations is missing editors for map layers
#1011 closed Relative and Absolute biomass time series do not work well together
#1018 closed Migration months-location do not import from 5
#1021 closed Ecotracer label difference
#579 closed Run Ecosim plot
#1015 closed Ecospace re-size map to smaller fails
#1019 closed Ecospace scenarios take too long to save
#1013 closed Import process should warn for model overwrites
#1014 closed Increasing Ecospace map size may give land values in new cells
#1012 closed Grid copy/paste does not work well
#1009 closed Presentation mode and other shortcut keys not always working
#1008 closed Ecospace migration starts at February
#1006 closed Ecotracer field name change
#1005 closed Ecotracer output graph should not plot cumulative data
#1004 closed Ecospace plot y-axis should range from .1 to 10
#1003 closed remarks in EwE
#1001 closed Paste in 'Define ...' grids does not work well
#1000 closed 'Enter' should not be linked to 'OK' in complex interfaces
#950 closed Ecospace 'show MPA' option should also be available when plotting effort
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