Custom Query (32 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1265 MSE plots should not display data before start year joeb assessed normal MSE 6.3.1

Status: new (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1400 Ecospace effort not distributing as expected joeb not assessed urgent Ecospace 6.4.3
#1594 Ecopath values not entering jeroens not assessed urgent Overall GUI 6.6 beta
#1359 Database dupliction fails jeroens assessed high Overall 6.4.2
#1384 Possible bug(s) in the EwE6 Statistics calculations not assessed high Ecopath 6.4.3
#1395 More control needed for Ecospace fishery jeroens assessed high Ecospace
#1425 Standardization of the number of decimal places assumed by the software assessed high Code 6.5 beta
#1426 Ecospace results lost jeroens assessed high Ecospace 6.5 beta
#1494 Ecopath migration in Ecospace assessed high Ecospace 6.5 beta
#1310 Policy search interface problems not assessed normal Fishing Policy Search 6.4
#1311 Ecosim 'All fleets' item missing from fishing mortalities jeroens assessed normal Ecosim
#1312 FMSY problems not assessed normal MSY
#1313 Import Vulnerabilities does not seem to work jeroens not assessed normal Overall GUI 6.4
#1357 Add ability to have non-feeding stanza life stages assessed normal Ecopath 6.4.2
#1369 No warning when QB < PB jeroens assessed normal Ecopath 6.4.3
#1389 Ecopath "Habitat area fraction" recalculates Biomass incorrectly for multi-stanza groups jeroens not assessed normal Ecopath 6.4.3
#1396 0 should be a valid time series value assessed normal Overall 6.4.4
#1408 Monte Carlo legend behaves strangely when running MC jeroens assessed normal Overall GUI 6.5 beta
#1439 No network analysis stop option jeroens assessed normal Network Analysis plug-in 6.5 beta
#1486 Add ecosystem TL over time assessed normal Ecosim 6.5 beta
#1505 Ecospace run - Catch plots are not drawing jeroens assessed normal Ecospace 6.5 beta
#1520 Add value per tonne as output jeroens assessed normal Value Chain
#1521 Value Chain flow needs customization options jeroens assessed normal Value Chain
#1522 Add Value Chain importer producers jeroens assessed normal Value Chain
#1523 Ecospace does not distribute effort for fleets that only discard joeb assessed normal Ecospace 6.5
#1529 Add configurable time step to Model from Ecosim jeroens assessed normal Ecopath from Ecosim plug-in 6.5
#1542 Add ability to auto-save Ecospace summaries not assessed normal Ecospace 6.5
#1584 flow scaling jeroens assessed normal Flow diagram 6.6 beta
#1320 cNetworkAnalysisManager.RunWithEcopath may not work when called from plugin assessed low Network Analysis plug-in 6.4
#1370 Make sure a model has all default pedigree levels jeroens not assessed low Ecopath 6.4.3
#1461 Overflow exception in MSE run not assessed NOT SET NOT SET 6.5 beta
#1493 AIC differences between EwE and Stepwise Fitting jeroens not assessed NOT SET Stepwise fitting plug-in 6.5 beta
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